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 bubble sort in Java

Learn Java - Java tutorial - bubble sort in Java - Java examples - Java programs

Bubble Sort Algorithm

  • Bubble sort is an easy sorting algorithm and continued steps completed the list to be sorted, compares each pair of nearby objects and swaps them if they are in the incorrect order.
  • The permission complete the list is continued till no swaps are compulsory, which shows that the list is sorted.
  • The algorithm, which is a comparison sort, is called for the way smaller or higher elements "bubble" to the top of the list.
  • Although the algorithm is simple.

sample code:

public class BubbleSort {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int[] c={20,65,12,25,98,45,38};
        System.out.print("Before Bubble sort \n");
        System.out.print("\nAfter Bubble sort \n");
    public static void printArray(int[] v)
        for(int i=0 ; i< v.length; i++)
            System.out.print(v[i]+"  ");
    public static void bubblesort(int[] v)
        int temp = 0;
        for(int i =v.length;i>=0; i--)
            for(int j=0;j< i-1;j++)
                    temp = v[j+1];
                    v[j+1] = v[j];
                    v[j] = temp;


Before Bubble sort 
20  65  12  25  98  45  38  
After Bubble sort 
12  20  25  38  45  65  98 

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