java tutorial - Java Tutorial - java programming - learn java - java basics - java for beginners

Learn Java - Java tutorial - Java primer for programmers - Java examples - Java programs
Java is a high-level programming language initially developed by Sun Microsystems and it released in 1995. The java works on various platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and different versions of UNIX.
- This online tutorial will provide a complete understanding of the Java language and help novice programmers.
- Our Java tutorial helps you find a simple and practical approach while learning the Java language, and understand its basics.

Compiling and executing java programs
- Another important point. Before proceeding to the introduction to the Java platform and learning the language, I'll show you how the code examples shown in this tutorial will look like, you will find them in the form of a window, as shown below:
public class FirstJavaProgram {
public static void main(String []args) {
System.out.println("Hello Wikitechy");
click below button to copy the code. By - java tutorial - team

Java JDK - Important Jargons
- javac - The Java Compiler
- java - The Java Interpreter
- jdb- The Java Debugger
- appletviewer -Tool to run the applets
- javap - to print the Java bytecodes
- javaprof - Java profiler
- javadoc - documentation generator
- javah - creates C header files
// Hello Internet program
class HelloInternet
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println(“Hello Wikitechy”);
click below button to copy the code. By - java tutorial - team
- To execute above Java programs
# javac
click below button to copy the code. By - java tutorial - team
- results in HelloInternet.class
# java HelloInternet
click below button to copy the code. By - java tutorial - team
Output :
Hello Wikitechy
Java Life Cycle
- Java Programs Normally Undergo Four Phases

Java Development Tools
- The software that provides an integrated development environment (IDE) for rapidly developing Java programs.
Java Development Tools on Market
- NetBeans by Sun
- JBuilder by Borland
- Eclipse by IBM
Important packages in Java
- java.lang
- java.util
- java.awt
- java.awt.image
- java.applet