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Java characters

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Example 1

char ch = 'a';

char uniChar = '\u039A'; 

// Array of characters
char[] charArray ={ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' };
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  • In development, we encounter situations where we need to use objects instead of primitive data types.
  • To succeed this, Java provides a wrapper class for primitive char data.
  • In Java, the symbol class deals a number of useful (for example, static) methods for manipulating characters. A symbol object is created using a character constructor (Character):
Character ch = new Character('a');
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  • The Java compiler will also create a symbol object for you in some circumstances. For example, if a primitive char data type is passed to a method that expects an object, the compiler automatically converts the char to a Character object for you.
  • This function is called automatic packing or unpacking, if the conversion goes a different way.

Example 2

 // Below is the following primitive char 'a'
// wrapped in Character ch object
Character ch = 'a';

// Below, the primitive 'x' is packaged for the test method,
// returns to the unpacked char 'c'
char c = test ('x'); 
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Control sequences

  • In Java programming, the character preceded by a backslash character() is called a control sequence and has a special meaning for the compiler.
  • The newline character (\ n) is often used in our examples in System .out.println(), the operator moves to the next line after the typed string.
  • The following table shows the escape sequences used in Java:
Control Sequence Description
\t The tab character.
\b A character that returns a text back one step or deletes one character in a line (backspace).
\n The newline character.
\r The carriage return character.
\f Paging the page.
\' The single-quote character.
\" The double-quote character.
\\ The backslash character (\).

When the escape sequence encounters a print statement, the java compiler interprets this appropriately.

Example of control sequences

     public class Test {

   public static void main (String args []) {
     System.out.println ("welcome \ - > \\ t - tabulation");
     System.out.println ("welcome \ - > \\ b - go back one step");
     System.out.println ("welcome \ - > \\ n - new line");
     System.out.println ("welcome \ - > \\ r - carriage return");
     System.out.println ("welcome \ - > \\ f - page run");
     System.out.println ("welcome \' - > \\' - single quotation mark");
     System.out.println ("welcome \" - > \\\ "- double quote");
     System.out.println ("welcome \\ -> \\\\ - backslash");
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 Welcome - > \ t - tab
Welcome - > \ b - return one step back
Welcome - > \ n - new line - > \ r - carriage return
Welcome - > \ f - page run
Welcome' - > \ '- single quotation mark
Welcome " - > \"- double quote
Welcome \ - > \\ - backslash 

An example of inserting a double-quote character into a string

To insert a double-quote character into a string, use the escape sequence \". If you want to take quotes a word or phrase - insert \" 2 times, one at the beginning, the other at the end:

public class Test {

   public static void main (String args []) {
      System.out.println ("Hi Welcome to wikitechy");
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 Hi Welcome to wikitechy.   

An example of inserting a double quotation character into Java character class methods

A list of methods that implements subclasses of the character class:

NO Methods Description
1 isLetter() Determines whether the value of the specified type char is a letter.
2 isDigit() Determines whether the value of the specified type char is a digit.
3 isWhitespace() Determines whether the value of the specified char type is an empty space.
4 isUpperCase() Determines whether the value of the specified char type is uppercase.
5 isLowerCase() Determines whether the value of the specified char type is in lowercase.
6 toUpperCase() Returns the uppercase value as the specified char type.
7 toLowerCase() Returns a lowercase value of the specified char type.
8 toString() Returns a string object denote the specified character value, string is one character.

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