java tutorial - Compare two strings in Java - java programming - learn java - java basics - java for beginners

 compare two string in java

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Comparing two strings:

  • unicode value of each path character in the String.
  • Returns negative int if first string is less than another
  • Returns positive int if first string is grater than another
  • Returns 0 if both strings are same.
  • int compareTo( String anotherString )
  • int compareTo( Object obj ) – It behaves accurately like compareTo ( String anotherString) - if argument object is of type String, or else throws ClassCastException.
  • int compareToIgnoreCase( String anotherString ) – It compares two strings ignoring the character case of the given String.

Sample Code|:

import java.util.Arrays;
public class kaashiv_infotech
     public static void main(String args[])
     { String stringvalue1 = "WelcoMe To KaashiV";
        String stringvalue2 = "welcome to kaashiv";
        Object stringvalue3 = stringvalue1;



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