Android tutorial - Toggle Button Android - android app development - android studio - android development tutorial
Learn Android - Android tutorial - Toggle Button Android - Android examples - Android programs
- Android Toggle Button is used to display checked/unchecked (On/Off) state on the button.
- It can be used to On/Off Sound, Wifi, Bluetooth etc.
- Android 4.0, there is another type of toggle button called switch that provides slider control.
- Android ToggleButton and Switch both are the subclasses of CompoundButton class.
- A toggle button allows the user to change a setting between two states.
- You can add a basic toggle button to your layout with the ToggleButton object. Android 4.0 (API level 14) introduces another kind of toggle button called a switch that provides a slider control, which you can add with a Switch object. SwitchCompat is a version of the Switch widget which runs on devices back to API 7.
- If you need to change a button's state yourself, you can use the CompoundButton.setChecked() or CompoundButton.toggle() methods.
Android ToggleButton class
- ToggleButton class provides the facility of creating the toggle button.
XML Attributes of ToggleButton class
- The 3 XML attributes of ToggleButton class.
XML Attribute | Description |
android:disabledAlpha | The alpha to apply to the indicator when disabled. |
android:textOff | The text for the button when it is not checked. |
android:textOn | The text for the button when it is checked. |
Methods of ToggleButton class
- Some of the widely used methods of ToggleButton class is given below,
Method | Description |
CharSequence getTextOff() | Returns the text when button is not in the checked state. |
CharSequence getTextOn() | Returns the text for when button is in the checked state. |
void setChecked(boolean checked) | Changes the checked state of this button. |
1. Custom String
- Open “res/values/strings.xml” file, add some custom string for toggle buttons.
- File : res/values/strings.xml
2. ToggleButton
- Open “res/layout/main.xml” file, add two “ToggleButton” and a normal button, inside the LinearLayout.
- File : res/layout/main.xml
3. Code Code
- Inside activity “onCreate()” method, attach a click listeners on a normal button, to display the current state of the toggle button.
- File :
4. Demo - android emulator - android tutorial
- Run the application.
- By default, toggleButton2 is using the customized string, and its checked.
- Checked toggleButton1 and
- unchecked toggleButton2, and click on the display button,
- the current state of both toggle buttons will be displayed.