Android tutorial - Alertdialog in android | Android Alert Dialog box example - android app development - android studio - android development tutorial
Android Alert Dialog:
- Android AlertDialog can be used to display the dialog message with OK and Cancel buttons. It can be used to interrupt and ask the user about his/her choice to continue or discontinue.
- Android AlertDialog is composed of three regions: title, content area and action buttons.
- Android AlertDialog is the subclass of Dialog class.
- An alert dialog box is a special dialog box that is displayed in a graphical user interface when something unexpected occurred that requires immediate user action.
- The typical alert dialog provides information in a separate box to the user, after which the user can only respond in one way: by closing it.
- Closing an alert dialog will provide access to the original window, which is not available while the alert dialog is presented.
Alerts have several typical uses:
- Error: informs the user than an operation could not continue or complete due to some insurmountable error.
- Warning: alerts that the current course of action could be in some way dangerous or detrimental, often offering the option of not proceeding.
- Info: presents a general notification about a recent event.
- Question: elicits some kind of response from the user, required to complete the current process.
- Below is the following Steps :
- First, use the AlertDialog.Builder to create the alert box interface, like title, message to display, buttons, and button onclick function
- Later attach above builder to AlertDialog and display it.
- Done.
1 Android Layout Files
- Simple layout file, display a button on screen.
- File : res/layout/main.xml
2. Activity
- When user click on this button, display the alert box, with your pre-defined alert dialog interface.
- File :
3. Demo - android emulator - android tutorial
- Start it, display a button.
- When button is clicked, display the alert box
- If “Yes” button is clicked, close the activity and return back to your Android main screen.