android tutorial - Define signing configuration in a separate gradle file in android - android studio - android app developement

Define signing configuration in a separate gradle file in android

The simplest and cleanest way to add an external configuration is through a separate Gradle file build.gradle

apply from: './keystore.gradle'
    signingConfigs {
        release {
            storeFile file(keystore.storeFile)
            storePassword keystore.storePassword
            keyAlias keystore.keyAlias
            keyPassword keystore.keyPassword
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ext.keystore = [
    storeFile    : "/path/to/your/file",
    storePassword: 'password of the store',
    keyAlias     : 'alias_of_the_key',
    keyPassword  : 'password_of_the_key'
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The keystore.gradle file can exist anywhere in your file system, you can specify its location inside the

apply from: ''
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at the top of your gradle file or at the end of your main project build.gradle file. Typically its a good idea to ignore this file from version control system such as git if its located inside your repo. It is also a good idea to provide a sample

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which developers entering the project would rename and populate on their development machine. This file would always be contained inside the repo at the correct location.

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