AngularJS ngif

  • The ng-if directive is used to add or remove the HTML Element by evaluating expression.
  • If the expression returns true the HTML element will be added to the HTML DOM.
  • If the expression returns false the HTML element will be removed from the HTML DOM.
  • The ng-if is similar to ng-show and ng-hide but the only difference is ng-if completely remove or add the element in HTML DOM but ng-hide and ng-show just hide the visibility of the element.
  • If the ng-if directive element removed the scope values will be removed, when the element added then AngularJS recreates the scope values.

Syntax for ng-if Directive in AngularJS:

<element ng-if=”expression”></element>

Sample code for ng-if Directive in AngularJS:

 Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Wikitechy AngularJS Tutorials</title>
        <script src="
        <div ng- app="myApp" ng-controller=" selectCtrl">
            <h2>> ng-if Directive in AngularJS Tutorials</h2>
            <select ng-model="name" ng- options=" x for x in tech" ></select>
            <h5 ng-if="name == 'HTML'" >Welcome to HTML Tutorials</h5>
            <h5 ng-if="name == ‘AngularJS'" >Welcome to AngularJS Tutorials</h5>
            <h5 ng-if="name == 'CSS'" >Welcome to CSS Tutorials</h5>
            var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
            app.controller("selectCtrl ", function($scope) {
                $ = [ "HTML", "AngularJS", "CSS" ];	

Code Explanation for ng-if Directive in AngularJS:

Code Explanation for AngularJS ngif

  1. The select box for select Technologies.
  2. The <h5> tag content is displayed if the ng-if directive condition is true (if the select box name is HTML).
  3. The <h5> tag content is displayed if the ng-if directive condition is true (if the select box name is AngularJS).
  4. The <h5> tag content is displayed if the ng-if directive condition is true (if the select box name is CSS).
  5. The set of technologies stored in tech Array.

Sample Output for ng-href directive in AngularJS:

    Sample Output1 for AngularJS ngif

  1. The output displays the content on page load.

  2. Sample Output2 for AngularJS ngif

  3. The set of technologies listed in Drop-down list, the user select HTML from the drop-down list.

  4. Sample Output3 for AngularJS ngif

  5. When user select HTML, then the Content in the <h5> tag “Welcome to HTML Tutorials” will be displayed because the ng-if condition expression becomes true.

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