Ruby on Rails - ruby on rails forum- ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - rails tutorial - ruby rails
Ruby On Rails Basics :
- Creating a Application in Ruby on Rails
- Create a New App With Our Choice of Database with RSpec Testing Tool in Ruby on Rails
- How to Generate a Controller in Ruby on Rails
- Rails Installation on Ubuntu in Ruby on Rails
- Creating a New Rails App Using Non Standard Database Adapter in Ruby on Rails
- Creating Rails API's in jsonin Ruby on Rails
- Generate a Resource Using Scaffolds in Ruby on Rails
- Versions of Ruby on Rails
Ruby On Rails Routing :
- Resource Routing Basic in Ruby on Rails
- Constraints in Ruby on Rails
- Scoping Routes in Ruby on Rails
- concerns in Ruby on Rails
- Root Route in Ruby on Rails
- Additional Restful Actions in Ruby on Rails
- Multiple Files in Split Routes in Ruby on Rails
- Member and collection routes in Ruby on Rails
- Mount Another Application in Ruby on Rails
- Nested Routes in Ruby on Rails
- Redirection in Ruby on Rails
- Redirects and Wildcard Routes in Ruby on Rails
- Scope Available Locales in Ruby on Rails
- URL params With a Period in Ruby on Rails
Ruby On Rails ActiveRecord Migrations :
- Adding Multiple Columns to a Table in Ruby on Rails
- Adding a Reference Columns to a Table in ruby on rails
- Adding a New Column with an Index in Ruby on Rails
- Run Specific Migration in Ruby on Rails
- Redo Migrations in Ruby on Rails
- Remove an Existing Column in a Table in Ruby on Rails
- Adding Column With Default Value in Ruby on Rails
- Change an Existing Columns Type in Ruby on Rails
- Create a New Table in Ruby on Rails
- Running Migration in Ruby on Rails
- Running Migration with Different Environments in Ruby on Rails
- Adding a Self Reference in Ruby on Rails
- Create a hstore Column in Ruby on Rails
- Create a Join Table in Ruby on Rails
- Create an Array column in Ruby on Rails
- Adding an Unique Column to a Table in Ruby on Rails
- Changing Table in Ruby on Rails
- Checking Migration Status in Ruby on Rails
- Adding a not null constraint in existing data in Ruby on Rails
- Forbid Null Values in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Best Practices :
- Fat Model Skinny Controller in Ruby on Rails
- Domain Objects Without Fat Models in Ruby on Rails
- Beware of Default_scope in Ruby on Rails
- Convention Over Configuration in Ruby on Rails
- Don't Repeat Yourself in Ruby on Rails
- You Ain't Gonna Need it in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails ActivRecord Validations :
- Validating Length of an Attribute in Ruby on Rails
- Custom Validations in Ruby on Rails
- Validates Format of an Attribute in Ruby on Rails
- Validating Presence of an Attributee in Ruby on Rails
- Grouping Validation in Ruby on Rails
- Validates Inclusion of an Attribute in Ruby on Rails
- Validating Numericality of an Attribute in Ruby on Rails
- Skipping Validations in Ruby on Rails
- Validate Uniqueness in Ruby on Rails
- Conditional Validation in Ruby on Rails
- Confirmation of Attribute in Ruby on Rails
- Using on Option in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord Associations :
- Polymorphic Association in Ruby on Rails
- belongs_to in Ruby on Rails
- Self Referential Association in Ruby on Rails
- has_many in Ruby on Rails
- has_one in Ruby on Rails
- has_and_belongs_to_many association in Ruby on Rails
- has_many:through association in Ruby on Rails
- has_one:through association in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord Query Interface :
- .where association in Ruby on Rails
- .where with an array in Ruby on Rails
- Scopes in Ruby on Rails
- Get First and Last Record in Ruby on Rails
- Includes in Ruby on Rails
- Ordering in Ruby on Rails
- where.not in Ruby on Rails
- .delete_all in Ruby on Rails
- .distinct (or .uniq) in Ruby on Rails
- .find_by in Ruby on Rails
- .group and .count in Ruby on Rails
- ActiveRecord case insensitive search in Ruby on Rails
- Joins in Ruby on Rails
- Limit and Offset in Ruby on Rails
- ActiveRecord Bang (!) methods in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Naming Conventions :
- Controllers in Ruby on Rails
- Models in Ruby on Rails
- Filenames and Autoloading in Ruby on Rails
- Views and Layouts in Ruby on Rails
- Models class from Controller name in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails User Authentication :
- Authentication using Devise in Ruby on Rails
- Devise Controller Filters & Helpers in Ruby on Rails
- Omniauth in Ruby on Rails
- has_secure_password in Ruby on Rails
- has_secure_token in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Views :
- Structure in Ruby on Rails
- Partials in Ruby on Rails
- AssetTagHelpers in Ruby on Rails
- Replace HTML code in Views in Ruby on Rails
- HAML-an alternative way to use in our views in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord :
- Creating a Model via generator in Ruby on Rails
- Creating a Model manually in Ruby on Rails
- Introduction to Callbacks in Ruby on Rails
- Manually Testing Your Models in Ruby on Rails
- Create a Join Table using Migrations in Ruby on Rails
- Creating A Migration in Ruby on Rails
- Using a model instance to update a row in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Configure Angular :
Ruby on Rails Debugging :
- Debugging Rails Application in Ruby on Rails
- Debugging Quickly+Beginner advice in Ruby on Rails
- Debugging in our IDE in Ruby on Rails
- Debugging application with pry in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails I18n-Internationalization :
- I18n with arguments in Ruby on Rails
- Translating ActiveRecord model attributes in Ruby on Rails
- Get locale from HTTP request in Ruby on Rails
- Pluralization in Ruby on Rails
- Set locale through requests in Ruby on Rails
- Use I18n with HTML Tags and Symbols in Ruby on Rails
- Use I18n in views in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Authorization with CanCan :
- Getting started with CanCan in Ruby on Rails
- Handling large number of abilities in Ruby on Rails
- Defining abilities in Ruby on Rails
- Quickly test an ability in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord Locking :
Ruby on Rails Integrating React.js with Rails Using Hyperloop :
- Adding a simple react component to our app in Ruby on Rails
- Callbacks in Ruby on Rails
- Declaring component parameters (props) in Ruby on Rails
- Event Handlers in Ruby on Rails
- HTML Tags in Ruby on Rails
- States in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails ActionMailer :
- Basic Mailer in Ruby on Rails
- Generating a new mailer in Ruby on Rails
- ActionMailer Callbacks in Ruby on Rails
- ActionMailer Interceptor in Ruby on Rails
- Adding Attachments in Ruby on Rails
- Generate a Scheduled Newsletter in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Upgrading Rails :
Ruby on Rails Shallow Routing :
Ruby on Rails React with Rails using react-rails gem :
- React installation for Rails using rails_react gem in Ruby on Rails
- Using react_rails within our application in Ruby on Rails
- Rendering & mounting in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Class Organization :
Ruby on Rails Tools Code Optimization and Cleanup :
Ruby on Rails ActiveJob :
Ruby on Rails Change a default application enviornment :
Ruby on Rails Engine - Modular :
Ruby on Rails Asset Pipeline :
- Manifest Files and Directives in Ruby on Rails
- Basic Usage of Asset Pipeline in Ruby on Rails
- Rake tasks in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Change Default Timezone :
- Change timezone and have Active Record store times in timezone in Ruby on Rails
- Change timezone,but continue to have Active Record save in the database in UTC in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Rails 5 :
Ruby on Rails Elasticsearch :
- Searchkick in Ruby on Rails
- Installation and testing in Ruby on Rails
- Introduction in Ruby on Rails
- Setting up tools for development in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails ActionCable :
- User Authentication in Ruby on Rails
- [Basic] Client Side (Coffeescript) in Ruby on Rails
- [Basic] Server Side in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord Transactions :
Ruby on Rails Friendly ID :
Ruby on Rails Turbolinks :
- Binding to Turbolinks Concept of a Page Load in Ruby on Rails
- Cancelling Visits Before they Begin in Ruby on Rails
- Disable Turbolinks on Specific Links in Ruby on Rails
- Persisting Elements Across Page Loads in Ruby on Rails
- Understanding Application Visits in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Reserved Words :
Ruby on Rails Rails-Engines :
Ruby on Rails Mongoid :
- Fields in Ruby on Rails
- Classic Associations in Ruby on Rails
- Creating a Model in Ruby on Rails
- Database Calls in Ruby on Rails
- Embedded Asociations in Ruby on Rails
- Installation Mongoid in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Active Jobs :
- Introduction to an Active Job in Ruby on Rails
- Creating an Active Job via the Generator in Ruby on Rails
- Sample Job in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Model states:AASM :
Ruby on Rails Rails frameworks over the years :
- How to find available in Ruby on Rails
- Frameworks rails 2.x in Ruby on Rails
- Frameworks in rails 3.x in Ruby on Rails
- Versions in Rails 1.x in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Nested Form :
Ruby on Rails Factory Girl :
Ruby on Rails Import whole CSV files from specific folder :
Ruby on Rails Active Model Serializers :
Ruby on Rails Rails5 API Authetication :
Ruby on Rails Testing Applications :
Ruby on Rails Cookbook-Advanced rails recipes/learnings and coding techniques :
- Handling the error - undefined method `where' for #<Array:0x000000071923f8> in Ruby on Rails
- Playing with Tables using rails console in Ruby on Rails
- Rails methods - returning boolean values in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Multipurpose ActiveRecord columns :
Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord TransactionsAdding an Amazon RDS to our application :
Ruby on Rails Payment feature in rails :
Ruby on Rails Rails On docker :
Ruby on Rails ActiveSupport :
- Core Extensions: String Access in Ruby on Rails
- Core Extensions: String Exclusion in Ruby on Rails
- Core Extensions: String Filters in Ruby on Rails
- Core Extensions: String Inflection in Ruby on Rails
- Core Extensions: String to Date/Time Conversion in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Securely storing authentication keys:
Ruby on Rails Authenticate Api using Devise :
Ruby on Rails Prawn PDF :
Ruby on Rails Single Table Inheritance :
- Basic Example in Ruby on Rails
- Custom Inheritance Column in Ruby on Rails
- Rails Model with type Column and Without STI in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails RSpec and Rails :
Ruby on Rails Form Helpers :
- Creating a Search Form in Ruby on Rails
- Dropdown in Ruby on Rails
- Helpers for form Elements in Ruby on Rails
- Create a form in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Deploying a Rails app on Heroku :
- Deploying Our Application in Ruby on Rails
- Managing Production and staging environments for a Heroku in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Configuration :
Ruby on Rails Decorator pattern :
- Decorating a Model using Draper in Ruby on Rails
- Decorating a Model using SimpleDelegator in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Rails logger :
Ruby on Rails Gems :
- Bundler in Ruby on Rails
- Gemfiles in Ruby on Rails
- Gemsets in Ruby on Rails
- What is a gem? in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails File Uploads :
- Nested model - multiple uploads in Ruby on Rails
- Single file upload using Carrierwave in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Caching :
- Action caching in Ruby on Rails
- Fragment caching in Ruby on Rails
- HTTP caching in Ruby on Rails
- Page caching in Ruby on Rails
- Russian Doll Caching in Ruby on Rails
- SQL Caching in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Rails-API :
Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord Transactions :
- Basic exampleof ActiveRecord transactions in Ruby on Rails
- Callbacks of ActiveRecord transactions in Ruby on Rails
- Different ActiveRecord classes in a single transaction in Ruby on Rails
- Multiple database connections in Ruby on Rails
- Rolling back a transaction in Ruby on Rails
- Save and Destroy are Automatically wrapped in a transaction in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Configuration :
- Configuring assets in Ruby on Rails
- Configuring generators in Ruby on Rails
- Database Configuration in Ruby on Rails
- Environments in Rails in Ruby on Rails
- General Configuration in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Using GoogleMaps with Rails :
- Add the google maps javascript tag to the layout header in Ruby on Rails
- Auto-zoom a map using a coffee script class in Ruby on Rails
- Exposing the model properties as json in Ruby on Rails
- Geocode the model in Ruby on Rails
- Initialize the map markers using a coffee script class in Ruby on Rails
- Initialize the map using a coffee script class. in Ruby on Rails
- Set the markers on the map with javascript in Ruby on Rails
- Show addresses on a google map in the profile view in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Safe Constantize :
Ruby on Rails Rails generate commands :
- Rails Generate Controller in Ruby on Rails
- Rails Generate Migration in Ruby on Rails
- Rails Generate Model in Ruby on Rails
- Rails Generate Scaffold in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails ActiveModel :
Ruby on Rails ActionController :
- Basic REST Controller in Ruby on Rails
- Controllers (Basic) in Ruby on Rails
- Display error pages for exceptions in Ruby on Rails
- Filtering parameters (Basic) in Ruby on Rails
- Filters in Ruby on Rails
- Generating a controller in Ruby on Rails
- Output JSON instead of HTML in Ruby on Rails
- Parameters in Ruby on Rails
- Redirecting in Ruby on Rails
- Rescuing ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound with redirect_to in Ruby on Rails
- UUsing Views in Ruby on Rails
- 404 when record not found in Ruby on Rails