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Image helpers


This returns the path to an image asset in app/assets/images.

image_path("edit.png") # => /assets/edit.png
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team


This returns the full URL to an image asset in app/assets/images.

image_url("edit.png") # =>
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team


Use this helper if you want to include an -tag with the source set.

image_tag("icon.png") # => <img src="/assets/icon.png" alt="Icon" />
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team

JavaScript helpers


If we want to include a JavaScript-file in our view.

javascript_include_tag "application" # => <script src="/assets/application.js"></script>
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team


javascript_path "application" # => /assets/application.js
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team


javascript_url "application" # =>
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team

Stylesheet helpers


If we want to include a CSS-file in our view.

stylesheet_link_tag "application" # => <link href="/assets/application.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" />
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team


This returns the path of we stylesheet asset.

stylesheet_path "application" # => /assets/application.css
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team


stylesheet_url "application" # =>
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team


When creating a new rails app we will automatically have two of these helpers in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

<%= stylesheet_link_tag    'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team


// CSS
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/assets/application.self-e19d4b856cacba4f6fb0e5aa82a1ba9aa4ad616f0213a1259650b281d9cf6b20.css?body=1" data-turbolinks-track="reload" />
// JavaScript
<script src="/assets/application.self-619d9bf310b8eb258c67de7af745cafbf2a98f6d4c7bb6db8e1b00aed89eb0b1.js?body=1" data-turbolinks-track="reload"></script>

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