Ruby on Rails - Rails find_by - Ruby on Rails database access - View Record from Database - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - rails tutorial - ruby rails
What is Database views Record?
- A database view is “the result set of a stored query which users can query just as they would in a persistent database collection.”
- One of the side affects of the above statement with respect to ActiveRecord is that when an application model extends ActiveRecord::Base it doesn’t care if the collection it’s modelling is a table or a view.
- This means an application can put the query logic into the database, and keep the application source code lighter weight.
learn ruby on rails - view record - ruby on rail example
ruby on rails tutorial tags - ruby , rail , ruby on rails , rail forum , ruby on rails tutorial , ruby tutorial , rails guides , rails tutorial , learn ruby
We will see an example to view data in an application:
Step 1 Create a new Rails application.
Step 2 Change your directory to save.
Step 3 Create a controller from the console.
Step 4 Create a model from the console.
Step 6 Run the following command:
Step 7: Go to app/views/products/index.html.erb file.
Step 8: Go to app/views/products/new.html.erb file.
Step 9 Start the server.
Step 10 Run it on localhost.
learn ruby on rails - rails view data- ruby on rail example