Distributed Ruby and Rails

Distributed Ruby

  • DRb
  • Rinda
  • Starfish
  • MapReduce
  • MagLev VM


  • Ruby's RMI (remote method invocation) system
  • An object in one Ruby process can invoke methods on an object in another Ruby process on the same or a different machine.
  • No defined interface, faster development time
  • Tightly couple applications, because no defined API, but rather method on objects
  • Unreliable under large-scale, heavy loads production environments

Server Example 1

require 'drb'
class HelloWorldServer
def say_hello
'Hello, world!'
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Client Example 1

require 'drb'
server = DRbObject.new_with_uri("druby://")
puts server.say_hello
puts server.inspect
# Hello, world!
# <DRb::DRbObject:0x1003c04c8 @ref=nil, @uri="druby://">
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Example 2

# user.rb
class User
attr_accessor :username
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Server example 2

require 'drb'
require 'user'
class UserServer
attr_accessor :users
def find(id)
user_server = UserServer.new
user_server.users = []
5.times do |i|
user = User.new
user.username = i + 1
user_server.users << user
DRb.start_service("druby://", user_server)
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Client Example 2

require 'drb'
user_server = DRbObject.new_with_uri("druby://")
user = user_server.find(2)
puts user.inspect
puts "Username: #{user.username}"
user.name = "ihower"
puts "Username: #{user.username}"
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# <DRb::DRbUnknown:0x1003b8318 @name="User", @buf="\004\bo:
# client2.rb:8: undefined method `username' for
#<DRb::DRbUnknown:0x1003b8318> (NoMethodError)

Why DRbUndumped ?

  • Default DRb operation
    • Pass by value
    • Must share code
  • With DRbUndumped
    • Pass by reference
    • No need to share code

Example 2 Fixed

# user.rb
class User
include DRbUndumped
attr_accessor :username
# <DRb::DRbObject:0x1003b84f8 @ref=2149433940,
# Username: 2
# Username: ihower
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Why use DRbUndumped?

  • Big objects
  • Singleton objects
  • Lightweight clients
  • Rapidly changing software

ID conversion

  • Converts reference into DRb object on server
    • DRbIdConv (Default)
    • TimerIdConv
    • NamedIdConv
    • GWIdConv

DRb security

require 'drb'
ro = DRbObject.new_with_uri("druby://")
class << ro
undef :instance_eval
# !!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!! DO NOT RUN
ro.instance_eval("`rm -rf *`")
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Insecure operation - instance_eval (SecurityError)
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  • Access Control Lists (ACLs)
    • via IP address array
    • still can run denial-of-service attack
  • DRb over SSL


  • Rinda is a Ruby port of Linda distributed computing paradigm.
  • Linda is a model of coordination and communication among several parallel processes operating upon objects stored in and retrieved from shared, virtual, associative memory. This model is implemented as a "coordination language" in which several primitives operating on ordered sequence of typed data objects, "tuples," are added to a sequential language, such as C, and a logically global associative memory, called a tuplespace, in which processes store and retrieve tuples
  • Rinda consists of:
    • A TupleSpace implementation
    • A RingServer that allows DRb services to
    • automatically discover each other.


  • We hardcoded IP addresses in DRb program, it’s tight coupling of applications and make fault tolerance difficult.
  • RingServer can detect and interact with other services on the network without knowing IP addresses.
 Ring Server
Learn Ruby on Rails - Ruby on Rails tutorial - Ring Server - Ruby on Rails examples - Ruby On Rails programs

Ring Server Example

require 'rinda/ring'
require 'rinda/tuplespace'
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Service Example

require 'rinda/ring'
class HelloWorldServer
include DRbUndumped # Need for RingServer
def say_hello
'Hello, world!'
ring_server = Rinda::RingFinger.primary
ring_server.write([:hello_world_service, :HelloWorldServer, HelloWorldServer.new,
'I like to say hi!'], Rinda::SimpleRenewer.new)
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Client Example

require 'rinda/ring'
ring_server = Rinda::RingFinger.primary
service = ring_server.read([:hello_world_service, nil,nil,nil])
server = service[2]
puts server.say_hello
puts service.inspect
# Hello, world!
# [:hello_world_service, :HelloWorldServer, #<DRb::DRbObject:0x10039b650
@uri="druby://fe80::21b:63ff:fec9:335f%en1:57416", @ref=2149388540>, "I like
to say hi!"]
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  • Shared object space
  • Atomic access
  • Just like bulletin board
  • Tuple template is
  • [:name, :Class, object, ‘description’ ]

5 Basic Operations

  • write
  • read
  • take (Atomic Read+Delete)
  • read_all
  • notify (Callback for write/take/delete)


  • Starfish is a utility to make distributed programming ridiculously easy
  • It runs both the server and the client in infinite loops
  • MapReduce with ActiveRecode or Files

starfish foo.rb


class Foo
attr_reader :i
def initialize
@i = 0
def inc
logger.info "YAY it incremented by 1 up to #{@i}"
@i += 1
server :log => "foo.log" do |object|
object = Foo.new
client do |object|
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Starfish server example

require 'rubygems'
require 'starfish'
class HelloWorld
def say_hi
'Hi There'
Starfish.server = lambda do |object|
object = HelloWorld.new
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starfish client example

require 'rubygems'
require 'starfish'
Starfish.client = lambda do |object|
puts object.say_hi
exit(0) # exit program immediately
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starfish client example (another way)

require 'rubygems'
require 'starfish'
catch(:halt) do
Starfish.client = lambda do
puts object.say_hi
throw :halt
puts "bye bye"
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  • Introduced by Google to support distributed computing on large data sets on clusters of computers.
  • Inspired by map and reduce functions commonly used in functional programming.

Starfish Server Example

require 'rubygems'
require 'starfish'
Starfish.server = lambda{ |map_reduce|
map_reduce.type = File
map_reduce.input = "/var/log/apache2/access.log"
map_reduce.queue_size = 10
map_reduce.lines_per_client = 5
map_reduce.rescan_when_complete = false
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starfish client example

require 'rubygems'
require 'starfish'
Starfish.client = lambda { |logs|
logs.each do |log|
puts "Processing #{log}"
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Other implementations

  • Skynet
    • Use TupleSpace or MySQL as message queue
    • Include an extension for ActiveRecord
  • MRToolkit based on Hadoop

MagLev VM

  • A fast, stable, Ruby implementation with integrated object persistence and distributed shared cache.

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