Ruby on Rails - Ruby on Rails - View MVC- ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - rails tutorial - ruby rails

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Ruby on Rails - View - MVC

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Ruby on Rails - View in mvc :

  • Domain Specific Languages - DSL languages :
    • Erb for ruby & html
    • Hamlimproves on erb
    • Textile for html
    • Sass for css
  • #content
                    %h2 Welcome to our site!
                    %p= print_information
            .right.column= render "sidebar"   
    Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team
     <div id='content'>
            <div class='left column'>
                <h2>Welcome to our site!</h2>
                <p><%= print_information %></p>
            <div class="right column">
           <%= render "sidebar" %>
    Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team
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    Ruby on Rails - Embedded Ruby - View in MVC :

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    Ruby on Rails - Hypertext Abstraction Markup Language (HAML) - View in MVC :

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    Ruby on Rails - Hypertext Abstraction Markup Language (HAML) - link_to - View in MVC :

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    Ruby on Rails - rails form_for - haml - form_for - mvc - view:

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    Web Application Process in ruby on rails - MVC web server access :

    Step 1 : A user clicks a link to a page in a web application

    learn ruby on rails - ruby on rails tutorial - ruby on rails - rails code - model view controller - mvc - ruby on rails mvc web server access : A user clicks a link to a page in a web application - ruby on rails examples

    Step 2: The web server recieves the request URL (Universal Resource Location - Uniform Resource Locator). Rails uses a routes file to match the URL with a controller action.

    learn ruby on rails - ruby on rails tutorial - ruby on rails - rails code - model view controller - mvc - ruby on rails mvc web server access : The web server recieves the request URL (Universal Resource Location - Uniform Resource Locator). Rails uses a routes file to match the URL with a controller action.

    Step 3: The invoked controller action requests data from a model. The model queries the database and hands data back to the controller

    learn ruby on rails - ruby on rails tutorial - ruby on rails - rails code - model view controller - mvc - ruby on rails mvc web server access : The invoked controller action requests data from a model. The model queries the database and hands data back to the controller

    Step 4: The controller action then passes data to a corresponding view. The view uses the data and a template to compose a page.

    learn ruby on rails - ruby on rails tutorial - ruby on rails - rails code - model view controller - mvc - ruby on rails mvc web server access : The controller action then passes data to a corresponding view. The view uses the data and a template to compose a page

    Step 5: The controller passes the complete page to the web server.

    learn ruby on rails - ruby on rails tutorial - ruby on rails - rails code - model view controller - mvc - ruby on rails mvc web server access : The controller passes the complete page to the web server.
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    Step 6: The web server serves the page to the browser. The browser renders the new page in place of the first one.

    learn ruby on rails - ruby on rails tutorial - ruby on rails - rails code - model view controller - mvc - ruby on rails mvc web server access : The web server serves the page to the browser. The browser renders the new page in place of the first one.

    Step 7: Ruby on Rails provides a framework for this MVC flow. It enables developers to work on what makes their apps unique rather than spend time re-implementing conventions.

    learn ruby on rails - ruby on rails tutorial - ruby on rails - rails code - model view controller - mvc - ruby on rails mvc web server access : Ruby on Rails provides a framework for this MVC flow. It enables developers to work on what makes their apps unique rather than spend time re-implementing conventions.

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