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What is mvc ?

  • Model–View–Controller (MVC) is a software architectural pattern for implementing applications and effective fast user interfaces on computers.
  • It divides a given application into three interconnected parts (Controller - to identify the part of code or path of the code, Model - which database and which table needs to get accessed and finally view to show the respective html data and file.)
  • The reason for MVC design pattern is -> allowing for efficient code reuse and parallel development.
  • Its done to separate internal representations of information from the ways information is presented to, and accepted from, the user.
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    model view controller concepts - In Detail

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    model view controller folder structure - In Ruby on Rails

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    ruby on rails database access :

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    ruby on rails mvc web server access : A user clicks a link to a page in a web application

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    The web server recieves the request URL (Universal Resource Location - Uniform Resource Locator). Rails uses a routes file to match the URL with a controller action.

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    The invoked controller action requests data from a model. The model queries the database and hands data back to the controller

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    The controller action then passes data to a corresponding view. The view uses the data and a template to compose a page.

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    The controller passes the complete page to the web server.

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    The web server serves the page to the browser. The browser renders the new page in place of the first one.

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    Ruby on Rails provides a framework for this MVC flow. It enables developers to work on what makes their apps unique rather than spend time re-implementing conventions.

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    Ruby on Rails - Model - Resources in MVC

    • A model with a controller and a route is called a resource.
    • Resources are named with nouns.
    • In a health-related application you may find resources such as:
      • Person
      • Vital
      • Goal
      • Prescription
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    Ruby on Rails - Attributes in Resources of MVC model

  • Attributes (or data) of a resource are accessed through the model.
  • Attributes (model methods) are also named with nouns.
  • A person model may have methods such as:
    • Person.date_of_birth
    • Person.height
    • Person.gender
    • Person.allergies
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    Ruby on Rails - Action and Attributes in Resources for MVC model

  • Actions available to a resource are accessed through the controller.
  • Actions (controller methods) are named with verbs.
  • Controllers typically have one or more standard methods such as:
    • PersonController.create
    • PersonController.update
    • PersonController.destroy
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    Ruby on Rails - Resources action and Attributes in Resources for MVC model - Embedded Ruby

  • Resource actions may be visualized in a page, from a view template.
  • Names of view templates correspond to controller methods.
  • Templates corresponding to standard controller methods are:
    • person/create.html.erb
    • person/show.html.erb
    • person/update.html.erb
    • person/destroy.html.erb
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