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Add the google maps javascript tag to the layout header

In order to have google maps work properly with turbolinks, add the javascript tag directly to the layout header rather than including it in a view.

# app/views/layouts/my_layout.html.haml
%html{:lang => 'en'}
    - # ...
    = google_maps_api_script_tag
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The google_maps_api_script_tag is best defined in a helper.

# app/helpers/google_maps_helper.rb
module GoogleMapsHelper
  def google_maps_api_script_tag
    javascript_include_tag google_maps_api_source

  def google_maps_api_source

  def google_maps_api_key
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We can register your application with google and get your api key in the google api console. Google has a short guide how to request an api key for the google maps javascript api. The api key is stored in the secrets.ymlfile:

# config/secrets.yml
  google_maps_api_key: '...'
  # ...
  google_maps_api_key: '...'
  # ...
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team

Don't forget to add config/secrets.yml to your .gitignore file and makre sure you don't commit the api key to the repository.

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