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Rails is shipped by default with ActiveRecord, an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) derived from the pattern with the same name. As an ORM, it is built to handle relational-mapping, and more precisely by handling SQL requests for you, hence the limitation to SQL databases only. However, you can still create a Rails app with another database management system

  • simply create your app without active-record

$ rails app new MyApp --skip-active-record
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  • add our own database management system in Gemfile

gem 'mongoid', '~> 5.0'
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team
  • bundle install and follow the installation steps from the desired database.

In this example, mongoid is an object mapping for MongoDB and - as many other database gems built for rails - it also inherits from ActiveModel the same way as ActiveRecord, which provides a common interface for many features such as validations, callbacks, translations, etc.

Other database adapters include, but are not limited to :

  • datamapper
  • sequel-rails

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