Ruby on Rails - database calls in ruby on rails - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - rails tutorial - ruby rails

  • Mongoid tries to have similar syntax to ActiveRecord when it can.
  • It supports these calls (and many more)
User.first #Gets first user from the database

User.count #Gets the count of all users from the database

User.find(params[:id]) #Returns the user with the id found in params[:id]

User.where(name: "Bob") #Returns a Mongoid::Criteria object that can be chained
                        #with other queries (like another 'where' or an 'any_in')
                        #Does NOT return any objects from database

User.where(name: "Bob").entries #Returns all objects with name "Bob" from database

User.where( => ['Bob', 'Alice']).entries #Returns all objects with name "Bob" or "Alice" from database

User.any_in(name: ["Bob", "Joe"]).first #Returns the first object with name "Bob" or "Joe"
User.where(:name => 'Bob').exists? # will return true if there is one or more users with name bob
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