python tutorial - Python Program to Find Largest of Three numbers - learn python - python programming
- Although We have many approaches to find largest number among three numbers.
- How to write a Python program to find largest of three numbers using Elif Statement and Python Nested If.

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Python Program to find Largest of Three numbers using Elif Statement
- This program helps the user to enter three different values and then it will find the largest number among that three numbers using Python Elif Statement
Sample Code
# Python Program to find Largest of Three Numbers using Elif Statement
a = float(input("Please Enter the First value: "))
b = float(input("Please Enter the First value: "))
c = float(input("Please Enter the First value: "))
if (a > b and a > c):
print("{0} is Greater Than both {1} and {2}". format(a, b, c))
elif (b > a and b > c):
print("{0} is Greater Than both {1} and {2}". format(b, a, c))
elif (c > a and c > b):
print("{0} is Greater Than both {1} and {2}". format(c, a, b))
print("Either any two values or all the three values are equal")
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- Following statements ask the user to enter three numbers and stores the user entered values in variables a, b and c
a = float(input("Please Enter the First value: "))
b = float(input("Please Enter the First value: "))
c = float(input("Please Enter the First value: "))
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- First if condition check whether a is greater than b and a is greater than c.
- If both of these are True then following print statement will be displayed (a is greater than both b, c).
if (a > b and a > c):
print("{0} is Greater Than both {1} and {2}". format(a, b, c))
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- First Elif statement check whether b is greater than a and b is greater than c.
- If both of these are True then following print statement will be displayed ( b is greater than both a, c).
elif (b > a and b > c):
print("{0} is Greater Than both {1} and {2}". format(b, a, c))
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- Second Elif statement check whether c is greater than a and c is greater than b.
- If both of these are True then following print statement will be displayed ( c is greater than both a, b).
elif (c > a and c > b):
print("{0} is Greater Than both {1} and {2}". format(c, a, b))
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- If all the above conditions fail, it means they are equal.
print("Either any two values or all the three values are equal")
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- First, we entered the values a = 13, b = 5, c= 7 and Next, we entered the values a = 25, b = 30, c= 15 and Next, we entered the values a = 60, b = 50, c= 90 and Finally, we entered the values a = 7, b = 7, c= 7

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Python Program to find Largest of Three numbers using Nested If Statement
- This program helps the user to enter three different values and then it will find the largest number among that three numbers using Python Nested If.
Sample Code
# Python Program to find Largest of Three Numbers using Nested If Statement
a = float(input("Please Enter the First value: "))
b = float(input("Please Enter the First value: "))
c = float(input("Please Enter the First value: "))
if (a-b > 0) and (a-c > 0):
print("{0} is Greater Than both {1} and {2}". format(a, b, c))
if(b - c > 0):
print("{0} is Greater Than both {1} and {2}". format(b, a, c))
print("{0} is Greater Than both {1} and {2}". format(c, a, b))
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- Following statements ask the user to enter three numbers and stores the user entered values in variables a, b and c
a = float(input("Please Enter the First value: "))
b = float(input("Please Enter the First value: "))
c = float(input("Please Enter the First value: "))
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- First if condition check whether a-b is greater than 0 and a-c is greater than 0.
- If we subtract small number from big number then this condition fail, otherwise it will be True.
- If this condition is True then a is greater than both b, c.
if (a-b > 0) and (a-c > 0):
print("{0} is Greater Than both {1} and {2}". format(a, b, c))
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- Else statement will execute when the first If condition is False so, there is no need to check for a value.
- In the Else statement we are inserting one more if condition (Nested IF) to check whether b-c is greater than 0.
- If this condition is True then b is greater than both a, c.
if(b - c > 0):
print("{0} is Greater Than both {1} and {2}". format(b, a, c))
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- Else c is greater than both a, b.
print("{0} is Greater Than both {1} and {2}". format(c, a, b))
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Learn Python - Python tutorial - Python Program to find Largest of Three numbers using Elif Statement - Python examples - Python programs