
python tutorial - Logical Operators | Logical Operators on String in Python - learn python - python programming

For strings in python, boolean operators (and , or) work. Let us consider the two strings namely str1 and str2 and try boolean operators on them:

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str1 = ''
str2 = 'wiki'
# repr is used to print the string along with the quotes
print repr(str1 and str2) # Returns str1 
print repr(str2 and str1) # Returns str1
print repr(str1 or str2) # Returns str2 
print repr(str2 or str1) # Returns str2
str1 = 'techy'
print repr(str1 and str2) # Returns str2 
print repr(str2 and  str1) # Returns str1
print repr(str1 or str2) # Returns str1 
print repr(str2 or str1) # Returns str2



The output of the boolean operations between the strings depends on following things:

  1. Python considers empty strings as having boolean value of ‘false’ and non-empty string as having boolean value of ‘true’.
  2. For ‘and’ operator if left value is true, then right value is checked and returned. If left value is false, then it is returned
  3. For ‘or’ operator if left value is true, then it is returned, otherwise if right value is false, then right value is returned.

Note that the bitwise operators (| , &) don’t work for strings.

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