python tutorial - Private Attributes And Methods - learn python - python programming
In the context of class, private means the attributes are only available for the members of the class not for the outside of the class.
- Suppose we have the following class which has private attributes (__alias):
class P:
def __init__(self, name, alias): = name # public
self.__alias = alias # private
def who(self):
print('name : ',
print('alias : ', self.__alias)
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We create an instance of class P, then trying to access its attributes whether it's public or private:
>>> from p import P
>>> x = P(name='Alex', alias='amen')
>>> x.alias
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
AttributeError: P instance has no attribute 'alias'
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- For public attribute name, we can access through an instance variable, but not for the private attribute alias. Even we try this:
>>> x.__alias
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
AttributeError: P instance has no attribute '__alias'
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still we're not allowed to access it.
- But here is a magic want. One underscore('_') with the class name will do magic:
>>> x._P__alias
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The the following call also works as expected:
>>> x.who()
('name : ', 'Alex')
('alias : ', 'amen')
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Private Methods
- We're going to use the same code as in the previous section but we'll add two methods: foo() and __foo() methods:
class P:
def __init__(self, name, alias): = name # public
self.__alias = alias # private
def who(self):
print('name : ',
print('alias : ', self.__alias)
def __foo(self): # private method
print('This is private method')
def foo(self): # public method
print('This is public method')
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How can we use the private method. If we try:
>>> from p2 import P
>>> x = P('Alex', 'amem')
>>> x.__foo()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
AttributeError: P instance has no attribute '__foo'
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The right way of accessing private method is this:
>>> x._P__foo()
This is private method
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- Of course, calling private method via public will work as expected:
This is public emthod
This is private method