AngularJS Filters
- Filters are providing additional support to the AngularJS application by format the value of an expression or directives which are displayed to the users.
- AngularJS provides collection of built-in filters.
- AngularJS transform the data by specified filter.
- Filters can be used in view templates, controllers or services.
- Following are some important built-in filters in AngularJS.
Regular filter
Ex. {{50 | currency}}
The expression 50 executed as a currency format using currency filter. The result will be $50.
Chaining filter
The result of filter (filter1) can be applied to another filter (filter2). It is Called “chaining “.
Filters with arguments
Ex: {{12345 | number: 2}}
The expression 10000 executed as a decimal points using the number filter. The result will be 12345.00
Sample coding for Filters in Expression and Directives:
- Scopes is an object that refers to the application model in an AnguarJS application.
- Viewable HTML contents in AngularJS application
- Controller logic for the AngularJS application.
Code explanation for Filters in Expression and Directives:
- The ng-app specifies the root element (myApp) to define AngularJS application.
- The ng-controller specifies the application controller in AngularJS the controller value is given as “namesCtrl”.
- Here the orderBy filter using by directive (like ng-repeat) and the output will be displayed in the <li> tag.
- The uppercase filter is using by expression ( { { } } ) and the output will be displayed in the <li> tag.
- $ is declare the objects as name and country.
Sample output for Filters in Expression and Directives:
- The output displays the country in orderBy using directive as well as the output displays the name and country in uppercase using expression.
AngularJS Filters list:
Filter | Description |
currency | It is used to formats a number as a currency(i.e $589) Current Locale is the default symbol. |
date | It is used to design a date for specified format. |
filter | It is used to select a subset of items from an array and it returns the new array. |
json | It is used to convert a JavaScript object into JSON string. |
limitTo | It is used to returns an array or a string containing only a specified number of elements |
lowercase | It is used to converts string to a lowercase. |
number | It is used to formats a number to a string or text. |
orderBy | It is used to specify orders an array by an expression |
uppercase | It is used to converts string to a uppercase. |