Scope Events Propagation in AngularJS

  • AngularJS provides an effective way to exchange messages to scopes at different hierarchical level.
  • AngularJS provides $emit and $broadcast functions to achieve the event propagation in a hierarchical manner.

$emit Function

  • The $emit function is used to propagate events upwards through the scope hierarchy.
  • The event life cycle starts at the scope on which “$emit” was called.
  • Thereafter, the event traverses upwards towards the root scope and calls every registered listener along the way.
  • If one of the user cancels the event, then the $emit will stop propagating.

$broadcast Function

  • The $broadcast function is used to propagate events downwards to every child scopes and their children scopes.
  • The event life cycle starts at the scope on which “$broadcast” was called.
  • All listeners listening for event on this scope get notified.
  • Thereafter, the event traverses downwards towards the child scopes and calls every registered listener along the way.
  • The $broadcast event can’t be canceled.

Sample coding for Scope Event Propagation in AngularJS:

 Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Wikitechy AngularJS Tutorials</title>
        <script src="
        angular.min.js"> </script>
        <h2>Wikitechy Scope Event Propagation in AngularJS</h2>
        <div ng-app= "myApp" ng-controller="eventCtrl">
         Root scope<b>Event</b>count: {{count}}
             <li ng-repeat="i in [1]" ng-controller="eventCtrl">
               <button ng-click="$emit('Event')">$emit('Event')</button>
               <button ng-click="$broadcast('Event')">$broadcast('Event')</button>
               Middle scope<b>Event</b>count: {{ count }}
                   <li ng-repeat="item in [1, 2]" ng-controller="eventCtrl">
                    Leaf scope<b>Event</b>count: {{ count }}
            var app=angular.module('myApp', [])
            app.controller('eventCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
              $scope.count = 0; 
              $scope.$on('Event', function() {   

Code Explanation for Scope Event Propagation in AngularJS:

Code Explanation for Scope Events Propagation in AngularJS

  1. The AngularJS application is defined by ng-app="myApp". The application runs inside the <div> tag. It’s also used to define a <div> tag as a root element.
  2. The ng-controller=”eventCtrl” is an AngularJS directive. It is used to define a controller name as “eventCtrl”.
  3. The {{count}} is used to bind the root Scope event count when the user click the $emit event button which is defined in the eventCtrl in JavaScript.
  4. The ng-repeat is an AngularJS directive. It is used to repeat an item for root Scope and middle scope.
  5. <button ng-click="$emit('Event')"> is used to create a button and it is used to invoke the $emit(Event) when the button was clicked.
  6. <button ng-click="$broadcast('Event')"> is used to create a button and it is used to invoke the $broadcast(‘Event’) when the button was clicked.
  7. Here the {{count}} is used to bind the Middle Scope event count when the user click both the $emit event and $broadcast event button.
  8. The ng-repeat is an AngularJS directive. It is used to repeat an item for middle scope and leaf scope.
  9. Here the {{count}} is used to bind the Leaf Scope event count when the user click a $broadcast event button.
  10. angular.module function is used to create a . Here we have passed an empty array to it.
  11. Here we have declared a controller module using .controller() function. The value of the controller modules is stored in scope object. In AngularJS, $scope and $rootScope are passed as first argument to .controller() during its constructor definition.
  12. Here we have set the value of $scope.count as “0”(zero).
  13. An event raised by $broadcast() and $emit() can be handled by wiring an event handler using $on() function. Here the value of count will be increased when the user click the $broadcast() and $emit() event.

Sample Output for Scope Event Propagation in AngularJS

Sample Output for Scope Events Propagation in AngularJS

  1. The page loaded with two button and content.
  2. Sample Output for Scope Events Propagation in AngularJS

    1. When the user click the $emit(‘Event’) button the “Root scope Event count” is increased by 1.
    2. When the user click the $emit(‘Event’) button the “Middle scope Event count” is increased by 1.
    3. When the user click the $emit(‘Event’) button the “Leaf scope Event count” is does not increased because the $emit() function is only traverse through the parent Scope.

    4. Sample Output for Scope Events Propagation in AngularJS

      1. When the user click the $broadcast(‘Event’) button the root scope event count is not increased the value because, the $broadcast() function is only traverse through the child scopes.
      2. When the user click the $broadcast(‘Event’) button the middle scope event count is increased by 1, now the value of middle scope event count is 2.
      3. When the user click the $broadcast(‘Event’) button the Leaf Scope Event count is increased by 1, now the value is 1.

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