AngularJS Create Directive

  • AngularJS introduces some extended new attributes in HTML called Directives.
  • AngularJS enhance your application by providing extra functionality by built-in directives.
  • AngularJS supports us to define our own Custom directives.
  • The new custom directives will be created by .directive function.
  • We can invoke directives by using :
    • Invoke as Element Name.
    • Invoke as Attribute Name.
    • Invoke as Class Name.
    • Invoke as Comment.
  • We should define the directive name in camelCase (directiveName) and case sensitive, we should invoke the directive in dash-delimited (directive-name) format.

Matching Directives in AngularJS:

  • Before create an AngularJS directive we should know when to use the directive and how to use the directive and Angular compiler.
  • HTML Element matches the AngularJS directives by defining the directives in the part of the HTML element.
  • The <input> tag matches the ng-model directive by
<input ng-model=”name”>
<input data-ng-model=”name”>
  • The <my-own-directive> element matches the my-own-directive directive:
<my-own-directive ></ my-own-directive>

Matching Directives in AngularJS:

  • The AngularJS matches which element or attributes matched to which directive.
  • AngularJS has case-sensitive and camelCase name for their directives.
  • The normalization process is as follows:
    • Remove the front part of the element or attributes if x- or data- presents.
    • Convert the delimited (-, :, _) name to camelCase directive (Example: directive-name as directiveName).

Syntax for Create Custom Directive in AngularJS:

var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.directive("myOwnDirective", function() {
    return {
        template : "<p>This is my Own Directive</p>"

Syntax for Invoke Custom Directive in AngularJS:

< my-own-directive ></ my-own-directive>

Sample code for Create Custom directive in AngularJS:

 Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Wikitechy AngularJS Tutorials</title>
        <script src="
                    angular.min.js"> </script>
            <h1>Custom Directives in AngularJS</h1>
            <div ng-app="myApp">
                var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
                app.directive("myOwnDirective", function() {
                    return {
                        template : "<p>This is my Own Directive</p>"


  • Set of data has been used in our AngularJS Application.
template : "<p>This is my Own Directive</p>"


  • Viewable HTML contents in AngularJS Application.
<div ng-app="myApp">


  • Logic for declaring a Custom Directive in AngularJS application.
var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.directive("myOwnDirective", function() {                                       
    return {
        template : "<p>This is my Own Directive</p>"

Code Explanation for Create Custom Directive in AngularJS:

Code Explanation for AngularJS Create Directive

  1. Invoke custom directive by Element Name as <my-own-directive> (dash-delimited).
  2. Create a Custom directive by using .directive function as myOwnDirective (camelCase).
  3. The template to bind the Element content by the custom directive.

Sample Output for Create Custom Directive in AngularJS:

    Sample Output for AngularJS Create Directive

  1. The output shows custom directive template content displayed.

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