Maven - Install Maven into Eclipse - maven tutorial


  • There are two ways to install Maven One which is little difficult than the other is installing Maven through command line. And the other easy way out is installing Maven with in Eclipse.

The objective of the document:

  • Method 1: Install Maven as embed program into Eclipse.
  • Method 2: Install Maven independently on Windows and declare it so that Eclipse can use it.

Check your Eclipse in order to see whether it installs Maven or not.

  • First of all, check your Eclipse in order To see whether it installs Maven or not.
  • File/New/Other..
 maven select wizard

learn maven tutorial - maven select wizard - maven example

  • If Maven Wizard exists, it means your Eclipse has been installed with Maven Plugin, and it is ready to work. However, you still can re-install its latest version if you want.
maven tutorial tags : apache maven , maven repository , maven central

Install Maven into Eclipse as Embed Program

 maven install embed program

learn maven tutorial - maven install embed program - maven example

  • Install maven into embed program to install new software related updates
 maven install software

learn maven tutorial - maven install software - maven example

  • To select which site we are working for the available software in corresponding site or location
 maven install  selectall

learn maven tutorial - maven install selectall - maven example

  • To install available software and check the items.
  • Maven integration for eclipse:
  • M2e-maven integration foe eclipse
  • M2e-slf4j over logback logging
 maven install details

learn maven tutorial - maven install details - maven example

 maven install eclipse

learn maven tutorial - maven install eclipse - maven example

 maven installing software

learn maven tutorial -maven installing software - maven example

 maven software update

learn maven tutorial - maven software update - maven example

  • You have successfully installed Maven into Eclipse, restart Eclipse.

Install Independently Maven outside Eclipse

Download Maven from Homepage

 download apache maven

learn maven tutorial - download apache maven - maven example

  • After the Maven is downloaded completely, you can extract and save the zip file on a specific folder of the hard drive.
  • You can see an example as below:
  • D:/DevPrograms/apache-maven.3.3.3
  • This is an extracting result on hard drive

learn maven tutorial - apche-maven-3.3.3 - maven example


learn maven tutorial - apche-maven-3.3.3 - maven example

Setup Environment variables

  • The next step is declaration an environmental variable to maven. These pictures as below are based on Windows 7, and the other Windows operating systems are similar.
  • They are included the environmental variable and declared to Path
    • JAVA_HOME=C:\DevPrograms\Java\jdk1.8.0_40
    • M2_HOME=D:\DevPrograms\apache-maven-3.3.3
    • M2=%M2_HOME%\bin
    • Path=;%M2%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin
 maven environment variables

learn maven tutorial - maven environment variables - maven example

 maven environment variables new

learn maven tutorial - maven environment variables new - maven example

  • Please check to make sure that you do not declare the JAVA_HOME environmental variable, then add it.
 maven new system variables

learn maven tutorial - maven new system variables - maven example

 maven new system variable javahome

learn maven tutorial - maven new system variable javahome - maven example

  • Similarly, you can declare to two other environmental variables
 maven environment variables m2 home

learn maven tutorial - maven environment variables m2 home - maven example

  • Finally, append to the value of the Path environmental variable as below :
  • ;%M2%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin
 maven edit system variable

maven edit system variable

 maven environment variables temp

learn maven tutorial - maven environment variables temp - maven example

  • Next, check your environmental declarations. You'd better restart or "log off" your computer.
  • Open a command window and type the command:
  • mvn --version
 maven windows system tran

learn maven tutorial -maven windows system tran - maven example

Declare setup location Maven on Eclipse

  • Open a folder:
  • D:\DevPrograms\apache-maven-3.3.3\conf
 apache maven settings

learn maven tutorial - apache maven settings - maven example

  • Open the settings.xml file to change some parameters.
 apache maven setting repository

learn maven tutorial - apache maven setting repository - maven example

  • Then add:
  • D:\DevPrograms\apache-maven-3.3.3\repository
 apache maven setting local repository

learn maven tutorial - apache maven setting local repository - maven example

  • Open Window/Reference on Eclipse.
 maven window

learn maven tutorial - maven window - maven example

 launch maven installation

learn maven tutorial - launch maven installation - maven example

  • Click "Add" to add a new profile.
 new maven runtime

learn maven tutorial - new maven runtime - maven example

 apache maven launch

learn maven tutorial - apache maven launch - maven example

  • Next, declare the position of the Maven configuration file which was changed last time .
 apache maven usersettings

learn maven tutorial - apache maven usersettings - maven example

  • The Maven installation into Eclipse is completed.

Wikitechy provides an indepth knowledge on the below maven tutorial items such as maven download , maven install , maven goals , maven build , maven commands , maven plugin , maven search , maven eclipse , maven deploy , eclipse maven , maven junit , maven java , hibernate maven , maven project , java maven , maven version , maven proxy , maven 2 , maven pom , maven eclipse plugin , maven java version , maven properties , maven install windows , how to create maven project in eclipse , eclipse maven plugin , maven dependencies , what is maven in java , maven apache , maven project structure , how to install maven in eclipse

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