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Button Component

  • A simple ReactJS Button component.Include base styles in styles.scss .
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$ npm install react-button --save
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var Button = require('react-button')
function clicked(event){}
<Button onClick={clicked} >Export</Button>
<Button activeStyle={{position:'relative', top: 1}}>Save as</Button>
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  • react-button does not depend on any css files. All styles are inline in the react component.
  • react-button can also be used as a toggle button
var pressed = true
function toggle(){
    pressed = !pressed
    //now re-render
//controlled behavior
<Button pressed={pressed} onClick={toggle}/>
<Button defaultPressed={true} pressedStyle={{color: 'blue'}} />
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Styling & advanced usage

  • By default, the button comes with some structural styles as well as with styles for a default nice theme.
  • If you don't want the button to render with the default theme, just specify theme='' (or any falsy value).
<Button theme='' onClick={function(){}} />
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  • Or you can specify your own theme for the button. The value for the theme property is just an object with different styles
var theme = {
    disabledStyle: { background: 'gray'},
    overStyle: { background: 'red'},
    activeStyle: { background: 'red'},
    pressedStyle: {background: 'magenta', fontWeight: 'bold'},
    overPressedStyle: {background: 'purple', fontWeight: 'bold'}
<Button theme={theme} defaultPressed={true}/>
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  • Or, you can specify a theme as string: 'default' or 'primary'. Those are the only two themes that come built into the ReactButton. You can get the styles for these:
var themes = require('react-button').themes
themes.gray = {
    style: {...},
    overStyle: {...}
<Button theme={themes.primary} />
//since 'gray' is added to the exported theme object,
//you can use it as a named theme
<Button theme='gray' />

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  • You can style different button states - over (when mouse is over button), active (when mouse is down on the button)
<Button overStyle={{background: 'blue'}} activeStyle={{background: 'red'}} />
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  • If you specify overStyle, activeStyle, pressedStyle, overPressedStyle etc, you are overwriting the values from the theme. The theme styles have the lowest precedence.
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  • onClick: Function - function to be called when the button is clicked
  • onToggle: Function(pressed: boolean, event) - called on a button that specifies either pressed or defaultPressed (as boolean values). This is called before onClick
  • onActivate: Function - function called on mousedown over the button - button becomes active
  • onDeactivate: Function - function called on mouseup - button becomes inactive


Theming props

  • theme: Object/String - a theme object (or a falsy value, if you don't want to render a themed button) or a string which should be a key from the exported Button.themes
  • themes: Object - another object where to look for themes. This defaults to Button.themes, but it can be modified using this property
  • If you want to modify the default look for all buttons, just modify Button.themes.default
var Button = require('react-button')
var themes = Button.themes     = { ... }
themes.default.overStyle = { ... }
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Style props

  • Style props are applied in this order:
  • style - default style
  • disabledStyle - style to be applied when the button is disabled. If disabled, no other over/active/pressed styles are applied.
  • focusedStyle - style to be applied to focused button
  • pressedStyle
  • focusedPressedStyle
  • overStyle
  • overFocusedStyle
  • overPressedStyle
  • overFocusedPressedStyle
  • activeStyle - style to be applied on active button (mousedown over button)
  • activeFocusedStyle
  • activePressedStyle
  • activeFocusedPressedStyle
  • You can set all these props both on the theme object, or on the button itself.

Styling with CSS classes

  • overClassName: String - a css class to be applied when the mouse is over the button
  • activeClassName: String - a css class to be applied when the mouse is pressed on the button (the button is in active state)
  • focusedClassName: String - a css class to be applied when the button is focused
  • disabledClassName: String - a css class to be applied when the button is disabled
  • pressedClassName: String - a css class to be applied when the button is pressed
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Other attributes

  • disabled: Boolean
  • pressed: Boolean
  • defaultPressed: Boolean
  • label - (generally a string) you can specify a label instead of button children. If you specify the label, by default it will be rendered with text-overflow: 'ellipsis'
  • href: String - a href to navigate to when the button is clicked. Defaults to ''
  • align: String - where to align content inside button. Valid values are 'left', 'center', 'right'
  • 'block': Boolean - by default buttons are rendered with display inline-flex. Specify block: true if you want to use display: flex (or use style.display: 'flex').
  • onStyleReady: Function - called after the style object is fully constructed
  • onThemeStyleReady: Function - called after the theme styles have been applied to the style object (before onStyleReady)


$ npm install
$ npm run dev # to start webpack-dev-server 
$ npm run serve # to start http-server on port 9091 
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