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ReactJS - File/Folder Structure :

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ReactJS - index.js file :

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React Component using ES6 class :

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React Component using createClass method :

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React - Bootstrapping code :

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React dataflow state :

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reactjs sample code :

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Article tag : react , react native , react js tutorial , create react app , react tutorial , learn react

Components in reactjs :

  • Everything in reactjs is components.
  • The core building blocks of React application is components only.
  • Components interact with each other and maintain the state too.
  • In Reactjs whole application is need to be break into the component only.
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  • Line 8-19 : Telling browser the code between the script block is JSX and not normal JavaScript.
  • Line no 12 : This is how we write the HTML in JSX

reactjs props component - props in react js:

  • In Reactjs props are like the HTML Properties. They are used to pass the data between the components or via the states. In Reactjs the props can be accessed by this.props.propsname
  • Props can be define by name=“value”. To access this we have to call
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  • React.render(<MyComponent name=“Neha” />) : name is the one of the props of the component MyComponent
  • To access the value of the props in the react we use {}.
  • reactjs states - States in react js:

  • Every component has a State object.
  • Can be set by using setState.
  • setState triggers UI updates and to get the initial state before the setState : getInitialState.getDefaultProps
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  • Reactjs maintained the state – getIntialState, setState, getDefaultProps.
  • In the above example we are getting the count variable to 5 and accessing it by {this.state.count}
  • Component Lifecycle in react js :

  • componentWillMount – Client and server side componenet Will Occur only once (before)
  • componentDidMount – Only once (after)
  • shouldComponentUpdate – Return value determines weather component should update
  • componentWillUnmount – Before unmounting component
  • react js Events:

  • Reactjs has the events that are attached with the components as the props of the components and can trigger methods.
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  • We have created a custom method clickCount and onClick of the button we are calling it onClick = {this.clickCount}
  • Article tag : react , react native , react js tutorial , create react app , react tutorial , learn react

    Unidirectional Data Flow in React js :

  • In reactjs, application data flows unidirectional via the state and props not like angular js where we have 2-way data binding. Which means in multiple component hierarchy , a common parent component should manage the state and pass it down the chain by props.
  • setState - state should be updated by setState to ensure UI will refresh/update
  • this.props – to pass the value to the child components
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