Pointer Arithmetic in C - Pointer Arithmetic

 pointer arithmetic in c

Learn C - C tutorial - pointer arithmetic in c - C examples - C programs

Pointer Arithmetic in C - Pointer Arithmetic

  • Pointer arithmetic is one of the ways to travel across through an array.
  • It is more common in the C world of programmers.
  • Most faculties at UWB dosen't want to see pointer arithmetic in your coding.
 pointer arithmetic in c

Learn C - C tutorial - pointer arithmetic in c - C examples - C programs

Sample Code

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int arr[]= {10,20,30,40,50};
    int *ptr=arr;
    printf("Value: %d, Memory Address: %p\n",*ptr,ptr);
    printf("Value: %d, Memory Address: %p\n",*ptr,ptr);
    return 0;


Value: 10, Memory Address: 0x7ffe3eac5bd0
Value: 20, Memory Address: 0x7ffe3eac5bd4

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