Operator in C
C - Operator - Definition and Usage
- In C-Programming the symbols are used for logical and mathematical operations called as operators in C.
- Types of operators in C-programming :
C Arithmetic operators - Definition and Usage
- In C-Programming the Arithmetic operators is used to perform mathematical calculation such as
- Addition(+),
- Subtraction(-),
- Multiplication(*),
- Division(/) and
- Modulus(%).
C Assignment operator - Definition and Usage
- In C-program the assignment operator is used for assigning a value to a variable.
- The most common assignment operator is = (equals to).
- The assignment operators tend to be classified into two categories such as,
- Simple assignment operator.
- Compound assignment operator.
C Logical operator- Definition and Usage
- In C-Programming the logical operators are used for defining the logical operation.
- Generally, there are three logical operators in c language.
- logical AND (&&)
- logical OR (||)
- logical NOT (!)
C Bitwise Operator - Definition and Usage
- In C-programming the bitwise operators are used to perform bit operations.
- That is the decimal values are converted into binary values which are the sequence of bits and bit wise operators work on these bits.
- Bit wise operators in C programming are
- & (bitwise AND),
- | (bitwise OR),
- ~ (bitwise NOT),
- ^ (bitwise XOR),
- << (bitwise left shift) and
- >> (bitwise right shift).
C Conditional Operator - Definition and Usage
- In C-programming the conditional operator return one value if condition is true and returns another value if condition is false.
- Conditional operators is also called as ternary operator.
C Special Operator - Definition and Usage
- In C-programming the special operators are mostly used for memory related functions.
- In C-language some special operators are listed below as follows:
- & Operator is used to get the address of the variable;
- * Operator is used as pointer of the variable.
- Sizeof() Operator is used to define the size of the variable
C Increment/Decrement Operator - Definition and Usage
- In C- Programming Increment operator (++) is used to increase the value of the variable by one .
- In C- Programming decrement operator (--) is used to decrease the value of the variable by one .