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What is SASS in GULP?

  • Sass is a plugin which is used in gulp which is loaded from package dependencies
  • Sass Stands for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets which is a style sheet language and it is used as a plugin in gulp
  • Sass is a scripting language which was interpreted and compiled in Cascading Style Sheets

Install SASS in Gulp

These are some syntax as per how to install Sass in Gulp

npm install gulp.sass
npm install gulp-sass --save-dev
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Methods of SASS

There are two methods to compile the files while using Sass in Gulp and they are

'use strict';
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
gulp.task('sass', function () {
  return gulp.src('./sass/**/*.scss')
    .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
gulp.task('sass:watch', function () {'./sass/**/*.scss', ['sass']);
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Method 2:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp.sass');
gulp.task('sass', function () {
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Options in SASS

  • Sass Plugin in Gulp accepts a key/value Sass object options as a parameter
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       outputStyle: 'compressed'
    }), CSSPlugin()
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  • We can also use Sass indented syntax set indentedSyntax option which is one of the options which are used for Sass:


       indentedSyntax: true
    }), CSSPlugin()
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  • Custom Set functions option is an option which is used in Sass in Gulp
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       functions: {
           'torem($size)': function(size) {
                return size;
    }), CSSPlugin()
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Gulp SASS Specific Options

  • Hence these are some of the Gulp SASS Specific Options which are given below
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errLogToConsole: true

  • If we pass errLogToConsole: true into the has options ,sass errors will be logged to the console

onSuccess: callback

  • It passes in your own callback to be called upon after successful compilation done by node-sass.
  • The callback has the form callback (css), and is passed to compile css as a string.
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onError: callback

  • It passes in your own callback to be called upon a sass error from node-sass.
  • The callback has the form callback(err), where err is the error string which is generated by libsass..

sync: true

  • If we pass sync: true into the hash options, sass.renderSync will be called.

Source Maps

  • Gulp Sass can be used with gulp-sourcemaps to generate source maps for the SASS and CSS compilation.
  • We need to initialize gulp-source maps priority to run the gulp.sass compiler


var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
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Imports and Partials

  • Gulp Sass is automatically through the directory of every sass file where it parses as an include path for node-sass.
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@import "includes/settings";
.content-navigation {
  border-color: $blue;
    darken($blue, 9%);
.border {
  padding: $margin / 2;
  margin: $margin / 2;
  border-color: $blue;
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - gulp tutorial - gulp guides - gulp - rubyonrails - learn gulp - team

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