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Build System

  • Build System is a process to automate the repetitive work using set of tasks. Set of tasks are called as Task runner.
  • A Build System is a collection which automates the repetitive work.
  • Here are some of the tasks which can be handled by using the build system:
  • Compilation of preprocess CSS and JavaScript.
  • Minification of files to reduce its size.
  • Concatenation of files into one.
  • Triggering the server for automatic reloading.
  • Creation of deployment builds to store the resulting files in one location.
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Components of Build System

In modern front-end workflow, the build system is split into 3 components which are given below :

  • Package managers
  • Preprocessors
  • Task runners and build tools

Package Managers

  • Package Managers are used to automate the installation process and the installation upgrade.
  • Package Managers are automate the installation of required dependencies and clean Libraries
  • Examples for package managers are,
    • bower - bower is used for your requirements, like jQuery and other vendor packages.
    • npm - npm is used for gulp plugins and other dependencies that are required by node.js


  • Preprocessors are useful for an efficient modern workflow by adding an optimized syntax and features compiles into a native language.
  • Preprocessor can define and write code in optimized and efficient way upon compilation and is converted into native language.
  • The diagram which is given below consider the example of Jade which is HTML preprocessor.

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  • These are few more examples of preprocessors which are given:
Native Language Preprocessor
HTML Markdown, HAML, Slim, Jade
CSS SASS, LESS and Stylus
JS CoffeeScript, LiveScript, TypeScript
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Task Runners

  • Task runner is used to automate tasks such as SASS/LESS to CSS conversion and minify source files and optimize images
  • Many other tasks are done in Task Runners and they are used in the development workflow.
  • Gulp is one of the task runners in the modern front-end work environment and it runs on Node.
  • The example which is given below shows us the task runners for Native Language.
Native Language Task Runners
Java ANT, Buildr
JS, UI & Front End Grunt, Gulp
  • There are other tasks that we will take a glance at some of the examples of tasks and we will classify those into different categories given in the following table:
Task Category of the Task
Coding a module Development Task
Writing CSS Style Development Task
Writing JS Function Development Task
Writing Preprocessor using CSS Development Task
Compiling preprocessor for CSS Build Task
Concatenating style sheets Build Task
Minifying CSS styles Build Task
Minifying HTML/JS files Build Task
Concatenating script files Build Task
Reducing size of images Build Task
Reloading server Build Task
Creating production or deployment build to store at particular location Build Task
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Gulp Technology :

  • Orchestrator
    • A module for sequencing and executing tasks and dependencies in maximum concurrency
  • vinyl-fs
    • Vinyl adapter for the file system

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