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How to Sqooping Oracle Data in Sqoop?
- These are some of the steps to get a quick example of sqooping Oracle Data into HDFS and Hive table which is done using the Oracle Developer VM and Hortonworks Sandbox.
Step 1:
- First, Download Hortonworks Sandbox and we need to import ova into VirtualBox
Step 2:
- First, Download Hortonworks Sandbox and we need to import ova into VirtualBox
- Then, Download Oracle Developer VM and this also has to be import ova into VirtualBox.
Step 3:
- After that, we need to set up the 2 VMs so they can communicate with each other.
- These are some of the diagrams which are given below to help. We need to basically set up the new Nat Network in Virtualbox under the Vitualbox Preference menu -> select network icon and add new Nat Network (display below - and called it Dens Network).
- Then, we go into the settings for both VM’s,
- Then, we go into network,
- We need to click on 2nd adapter and it is shown in the diagram which is given below.
VB Nat Network Diagram
Learn sqoop - sqoop tutorial - Sqoop VB Nat Network - sqoop examples - sqoop programs
VB Settings - Sandbox
Learn sqoop - sqoop tutorial - Sqoop VB Nat Network - sqoop examples - sqoop programs
VB Setting - Oracle VM
Learn sqoop - sqoop tutorial - VB Settings Oracle VM - sqoop examples - sqoop programs
Step 4:
- We need to Fire up the VM’s, open a terminal session, and ssh into the sandbox
Step 5:
- We can read a little about Oracle CDB and PDB, it will help us with understanding the Jdbc connection.
Step 6:
- Sqoop will need the ojdbc6.jar in order to run the process correctly
Step 7:
- We need to Sqoop list table and Sqoop employees into HDFS(Hadoop Disturbed File System).
list system tables
list Pdb tables
Import employee table
- hadoop fs -rm -R /user/hive/data/employees/
- sqoop import --connect jdbc:oracle:thin:system/oracle@ --username system --password oracle --table HR.EMPLOYEES --target-dir /user/hive/data/employees
- hadoop fs -ls /user/hive/data/employees
- hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/data/employees/part-m-00000
Step 8:
Add and load a hive table by using beeline:
- Enter beeline on sandbox terminal window
- connect - !connect jdbc:hive2://sandbox.hortonworks.com:10000 sandbox pw or !connect jdbc:hive2://
- create database HR;
- CREATE TABLE employees (employee_id int, first_name varchar(20), last_name varchar(25), email varchar(25), phone_number varchar(20), hire_date date, job_id varchar(10), salary int, commission_pct int, manager_id int, department_id int) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n' stored as textfile;
- LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/hive/data/employees/' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE employees;
- Go ahead and query the table