sqoop - Sqoop Where Clause - apache sqoop - sqoop tutorial - sqoop hadoop

What is Where clause in Sqoop?

  • The WHERE clause is used to filter records.
  • The WHERE clause is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified condition.
  • You can place limitations on data imported by using "where" clause.


  • Let's import cityByCountry table where state (6th column is restricted to "Alaska").
 Where Sqoop

Learn Sqoop - Sqoop tutorial - Where Sqoop - Sqoop examples - Sqoop programs

sqoop import \ --connect "jdbc:mysql://localhost/training" \ --username training -P \ --table cityByCountry \ --target-dir /user/where_clause \ --where "state = 'Alaska'" \ -m 1 
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 Where Clause Sqoop

Learn Sqoop - Sqoop tutorial - Where Clause Sqoop - Sqoop examples - Sqoop programs

Note: For more information on list-databases, type "$ sqoop help list-databases"

$ sqoop list-databases --connect "jdbc:mysql://localhost" --username cloudera --password cloudera  
Click "Copy code" button to copy into clipboard - By wikitechy - sqoop tutorial - team

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