latex - Latex Footnotes - latex tutorial

What is Footnotes in latex ?

  • Footnotes are a very useful way of providing extra information to the reader.
  • Usually, it is non-essential information which can be placed at the bottom of the page. This keeps the main body of text concise.
  • The footnote facility is easy to use.
  • The command you need is: \footnote{text}.

Example Code text and how to add a footnote with a label:

This is some example text\footnote{\label{myfootnote}Hello footnote}.
  • After compilation you will see the footnote appearing on the bottom of your page.
  • It's imperative, that the label is contained within the footnote itself, otherwise the label will refer to the section.
  • Footnotes are numbered automatically.
  • If you want to refer to them later on, you can use the \ref command as follows:
I'm referring to footnote \ref{myfootnote}.

Footnotes with multiple references:

  • We can add several references to a single footnote mark

Sample Code:

I'm writing something here to test \footnote{footnotes working fine} 
several features. You can write the footnote text\footnotemark in its 
own line.
\footnotetext{Second footnote}
For instance\footnotemark I can use the same footnote more than 
\footnotetext{footnote with two references}



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  • The command \footnotemark[\value{footnote}] inserts a superscript corresponding to the current value of the counter footnote.

Changing the numbering style:

  • You can change the type of numbers printed by the footnote counter

Sample Code:

\footnotetext{footnote with two references} 
Now a footnote in Roman\footnote{This footnote is in Roman numerals}


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  • The command \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\roman{footnote}} sets the number styles to lowercase roman. Other possible styles are:
  • arabic Arabic numerals.
  • Roman Upper case Roman numerals.
  • alph Alphabetic lower case.
  • Alph Alphabetic upper case.
  • fnsymbol A set of 9 special symbols.
  • You can use this command in the preamble to change the numbering style of the footnotes in the whole document.

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