golang tutorial - Data types - golang - go programming language - google go - go language - go program - google language
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Below are the data types in Go language
S.N. | Types and Description |
1. | Boolean Types They are boolean types and consists of the two predefined constants: (a) true (b) false |
2. | Numeric Types They are again arithmetic types and they represents a) integer types or b) floating point values. |
3. | String Types:
4. | Derived Types: (a) Pointer types, (b) Array types, (c) Structure types, (d) Union types and (e) Function types f) Slice types g) Function types h) Interface types i) Map types j) Channel Types |
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golang , gopro , google go , golang tutorial , google language , go language , go programming language
Integer Types
- Below is the sub classification in integer types
S.N. | Types and Description |
1. | uint8 Unsigned 8-bit integers (0 to 255) |
2. | uint16 Unsigned 16-bit integers (0 to 65535) |
3. | uint32 Unsigned 32-bit integers (0 to 4294967295) |
4. | uint64 Unsigned 64-bit integers (0 to 18446744073709551615) |
5. | int8 Signed 8-bit integers (-128 to 127) |
6. | int16 Signed 16-bit integers (-32768 to 32767) |
7. | int32 Signed 32-bit integers (-2147483648 to 2147483647) |
8. | int64 Signed 64-bit integers (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807) |
Floating Types
- Below is the sub classification in float types
S.N. | Types and Description |
1. | float32 IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point numbers |
2. | float64 IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point numbers |
3. | complex64 Complex numbers with float32 real and imaginary parts |
4. | complex128 Complex numbers with float64 real and imaginary parts |
- The value of an n-bit integer is n bits and is represented using two's complement arithmetic operations.
Other Numeric Types
- Below is the sub classification in numeric types,
S.N. | Types and Description |
1. | byte same as uint8 |
2. | rune same as int32 |
3. | uint 32 or 64 bits |
4. | int same size as uint |
5. | uintptr an unsigned integer to store the uninterpreted bits of a pointer value |