html tutorial - onkeyup Attribute in HTML - html5 - html code - html form

Onkeyup attribute in html

Learn html - html tutorial - Onkeyup attribute in html - html examples - html programs

  • The onkeyup attribute is used to activate an event when the user releases a key.
  • The onkeyup attribute is an Event Attributes.

Syntax for onkeyup attribute in HTML:

<element onkeyup="script">

Applies To:

Element Attribute
All HTML Elements onkeyup

onkeypress Attribute Value:

Value Description
script The script to be run on onkeyup.

Sample Coding for onkeyup Attribute in HTML:

Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Wikitechy HTML onkeyup attribute</title>
         Enter the text:
         <input type="text" id=”tutorials” onkeyup= "onKeyUp()">
            function onKeyUp() 
              alert ("event activated when the user releases a key.");            

Code Explanation for onkeyup Attribute in HTML:

onkeyup Attribute Code Explanation

  1. onkeyup attribute call onKeyUp() JavaScript function when the user releases the key.
  2. onKeyUp() is a JavaScript function which is used to display an alert message.

Output for onkeyup Attribute in HTML:

onkeyup Attribute Output

  1. The output shows the textbox.
  2. onkeyup Attribute Output
  3. User can enter the text in the textbox for example “aaaaaaaaaaaa” (Hold down the a key in keyboard).
  4. onkeyup Attribute Output
  5. When user release the key the alert message is displayed.

Browser Support for onkeyup Attribute in HTML:

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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