Material Design Lite Tabs

what is tabs in (MDL) ?

  • MDL component Tabs is used to create a user interface in which different content blocks can share the same space but are mutually exclusive to each other.
  • There must be at least two or more content blocks in a Tab, each tab content can have explored by switching views.
  • The Name of Tab acts as a Header of the content within the tab, the active tab is highlighted using an underline.
  • Tabs are very useful to show a lot of data within the limited space available on the webpage, allowing user to view different content by switching between tabs.
  • Thus, Improving the User Experience Greatly.
  • learn material design lite tutorials - tabs

    learn material design lite tutorials - tabs examples

Creating Tabs:

  • A MDL Tabs can be created using class mdl-tabs as a container for holding all related content.
  • The tabs panel is created using mdl-tabs__tab-bar and panels using mdl-tabs__panel.
  • The currently active tab is specified using class is-active.

Sample code:

<!-- MDL Tab Container -->
<div class="mdl-tabs mdl-js-tabs mdl-js-ripple-effect">
  <!-- Tab Bars -->
  <div class="mdl-tabs__tab-bar">
      <a href="#asia-panel" class="mdl-tabs__tab is-active">Asia</a>
      <a href="#europe-panel" class="mdl-tabs__tab">Europe</a>
      <a href="#america-panel" class="mdl-tabs__tab">America</a>

  <!-- MDL tab panels, is-active to denote currently active -->
  <div class="mdl-tabs__panel is-active" id="asia-panel">
      <li>Saudi Arabia</li>
  <!-- MDL Tab panel 2 -->
  <div class="mdl-tabs__panel" id="europe-panel">
  <!-- MDL Tab panel 3 -->
  <div class="mdl-tabs__panel" id="america-panel">
      <li>United States of America</li>
  • The MDL provides various CSS classes to apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements to the tabs.
MDL Class Description
mdl-tabs To Define a div element as a Container for Tabs
mdl-js-tabs To assign MDL behaviour to Tab Container.
mdl-js-ripple-effect To To Apply a ripple effect while switching tabs
mdl-tabs__tab-bar A Container for tab Headings(links)
mdl-tabs__tab To set a link as an MDL tab launcher
is-active To denote the currently active tab.
mdl-tabs__panel To Define an a container as a tab panel

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