Material Design Lite Icons


what is Icons in (MDL) ?

  • Material Design Lite(MDL) Provides a huge set of Icons which are attractive and easy to use on your Webpages.
  • All Material Design Lite(MDL) icons are the open source and can be downloaded or used via CDN hosted on google Servers.
  • The below table mentions the available classes and their effects.
S.N.Class Name & Description
Identifies label as an MDL component and is required on label element.
Sets basic MDL behavior to label and is required on label element.
Sets basic MDL behavior to icon-toggle and is required on input element (icon-toggle).
Sets basic MDL behavior to caption and is required on on i element (icon).
Sets ripple click effect and is optional; goes on label element, not input element (icon-toggle).

Sample Code:

  • The following example is coding for the use of mdl-icon-toggle classes to show different types of checkboxes as icons.
   <script src=""></script>
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="">	  
      <tr><td>On Icon</td><td>Off Icon</td><td>Disabled Icon</td></tr>
         <label class="mdl-icon-toggle mdl-js-icon-toggle mdl-js-ripple-effect" for="icon-toggle-1">
            <input type="checkbox" id="icon-toggle-1" class="mdl-icon-toggle__input" checked>
            <i class="mdl-icon-toggle__label material-icons">format_bold</i>
         <label class="mdl-icon-toggle mdl-js-icon-toggle mdl-js-ripple-effect" for="icon-toggle-2">
            <input type="checkbox" id="icon-toggle-2" class="mdl-icon-toggle__input">
            <i class="mdl-icon-toggle__label material-icons">format_italic</i>
         <label class="mdl-icon-toggle mdl-js-icon-toggle mdl-js-ripple-effect" for="icon-toggle-2">
            <input type="checkbox" id="icon-toggle-2" class="mdl-icon-toggle__input" disabled>
            <i class="mdl-icon-toggle__label material-icons">format_underline</i>


This material design lite tutorial provides you the basics on the following areas android material design , google material design , material ui , google design , amg lite , bootstrap material design , mdl , materialize css , cool material , material design list , material design website , material design cards , material design ui , material design web , material design apps , material design tutorial , angular material design , material design table , material design angular , material design examples , material design theme , material design animation , material design css , what is material design , material design framework , material design buttons , material design template , material design components , google material design colors , material design google , material design light

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