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HBase As ETL Data Target - Hive to Hbase :

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HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive :

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HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive - Datawarehouse :

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HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive - Hbase architecture :

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HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive - Hive architecture :

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HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive - Hbase and Hive architecture :

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HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive - Hbase map reduce job for insert :

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HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive - Map-Only Job for INSERT :

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HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive - Query processing in Hbase :

Example Query : SELECT name, notes FROM users WHERE userid=‘xyz’;
  • Rows are read from HBase via
  • org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapred.TableInputFormatBase
  • HBase determines the splits (one per table region)
  • HBaseSerDe produces lazy rows/maps for RowResults
  • Column selection is pushed down
  • Any SQL can be used (join, aggregation, union…)
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    HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive - Meta Store Integration in Hbase :

  • DDL can be used to create metadata in Hive and HBase simultaneously and consistently
  • CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE: register existing Hbase table
  • DROP TABLE: will drop HBase table too unless it was created as EXTERNAL
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    HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive - Bulk Load in Hbase :

    Example Query : SET hive.hbase.bulk=true;
                     INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE users SELECT … ;
    • But for now, you have to do some work and issue multiple Hive commands
      • Sample source data for range partitioning
      • Save sampling results to a file
      • Run CLUSTER BY query using HiveHFileOutputFormat and TotalOrderPartitioner (sorts data, producing a large number of region files)
      • Import HFiles into HBase
      • HBase can merge files if necessary
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    HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive - Hbase Hive range partitioning during load :

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    HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive - Sampling Query For Range Partitioning :

  • Given 5 million users in a table bucketed into 1000 buckets of 5000 users each, pick 9 user_ids which partition the set of all user_ids into 10 nearly-equal-sized ranges.
  •     select user_id from
              (select user_id
              from hive_user_table
              tablesample(bucket 1 out of 1000 on user_id) s
              order by user_id) sorted_user_5k_sample
              where (row_sequence() % 501)=0;
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    HBase As Data Source - Hbase to Hive - Sorting Query For Bulk Load :

    •           set mapred.reduce.tasks=12;
                set hive.mapred.partitioner=
                set total.order.partitioner.path=/tmp/hb_range_key_list;
                set hfile.compression=gz;
                create table hbsort(user_id string, user_type string, ...)
                stored as inputformat 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat’
                outputformat 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HiveHFileOutputFormat’ tblproperties ('hfile.family.path' = '/tmp/hbsort/cf');
                insert overwrite table hbsort
                select user_id, user_type, createtime, …
      from hive_user_table
                cluster by user_id;
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    What is HBQL :

  • HBQL focuses on providing a convenient language layer for managing and accessing individual HBase tables, and is not intended for heavy-duty SQL processing such as joins and aggregations
  • HBQL is implemented via client-side calls, whereas Hive/HBase integration is implemented via map/reduce jobs

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