PHP Polymorphism
Polymorphism in PHP is the use of a single interface or class to refer to multiple different objects or classes.
It allows for code flexibility as the same code can be used for multiple objects and classes, saving time and effort when writing code. Polymorphism allows for more abstract and flexible coding, which can lead to better code organization and shorter development cycles.
Sample Code
interface Machine {
public function calcTask();
class Circle implements Machine {
private $radius;
public function __construct($radius){
$this -> radius = $radius;
public function calcTask(){
return $this -> radius * $this -> radius * pi();
class Rectangle implements Machine {
private $lenght;
private $height;
public function __construct($lenght, $height){
$this -> lenght = $lenght;
$this -> height = $height;
public function calcTask(){
return $this -> lenght * $this -> height;
$mycirc = new Circle(5);
$myrect = new Rectangle(5,4);
echo $mycirc->calcTask();
echo "<br>";
echo $myrect->calcTask();
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