PHP Array Operators - Array Operators in PHP

PHP Array Operators

  • PHP array operators are used to compare arrays and to determine the relationship between them.
  • They are used to compare values in arrays, check if a certain key or value exists in an array, and to merge two arrays together into one.
Operator Name Syntax Operation
+ Union $a + $b Union of both i.e., $a and $b
== Equality $a == $b Returns true if both has same key-value pair
!= Inequality $a != $b Returns True if both are unequal
=== Identity $a === $b Returns True if both have the same key-value pair in the same order and of the same type
!== Non-Identity $a !== $b Returns True if both are not identical to each other
<> Inequality $a <> $b Returns True if both are unequal

Sample Code

$a = array("a" => "Bus", "b" => "Lorry");
$b = array("c" => "Train", "d" => "Plane");
var_dump($a + $b) . "<br>";
var_dump($a == $b) . "<br>";
var_dump($a != $b) . "<br>";
var_dump($a <> $b) . "<br>";
var_dump($a === $b). "<br>";
var_dump($a !== $b). "<br>";


array(4) { ["a"]=> string(3) "Bus" ["b"]=> string(5) "Lorry" ["c"]=> string(5) "Train" ["d"]=> string(5) "Plane" }

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