PHP Assignment Operators - Assignment Operators in PHP
PHP Assignment Operators
- PHP assignment operators are used to assign a value to a variable. They are the most common type of operator used in PHP.
- Examples include the "=" operator, which assigns a value to a variable, and the "+=" operator, which adds a value to the variable and assigns the result.
Operator | Syntax | Operation |
Assign (=) | $a = $b | Operand on the left obtains the value of the operand on the right |
Add then Assign (+=) | $a += $b | Simple Addition same as $a = $a + $b |
Subtract then Assign (-=) | $a -= $b | Simple subtraction same as $a = $a – $b |
Multiply then Assign (*=) | $a *= $b | Simple product same as $x = $a * $b |
Divide then Assign (quotient - /=) | $a /= $b | Simple division same as $x = $a / $b |
Divide then Assign (remainder - %=) | $a %= $b | Simple division same as $x = $a % $b |