PHP Oops Access Specifiers - PHP Access Modifiers

PHP - Access Modifiers

  • PHP access specifiers are keywords used to define the visibility of a class property or method. The three access specifiers are,
    • Public - Public properties and methods can be accessed from anywhere.
    • Private - Private properties and methods can only be accessed within the same class.
    • Protected - Protected properties and methods can be accessed within the same class and its child classes.


class Car {
  public $name;
  protected $color;
  private $type;
$volvo = new Car();
$volvo ->name = 'Volvo'; // OK
$volvo ->color = 'Black'; // ERROR
$volvo ->type = 'Sedan'; // ERROR

Sample Code

class Car {
  public $name;
  public $color;
  public $type;
  function set_name($n) {  // a public function (default)
    $this->name = $n;
  protected function set_color($n) { // a protected function
    $this->color = $n;
  private function set_type($n) { // a private function
    $this->type = $n;
$volvo = new Car();
$mango->set_name('Volvo'); // OK
$mango->set_color('Black'); // ERROR
$mango->set_type('Sedan'); // ERROR

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