hacking tutorials - Hack Internet speed - hacker - ethical hacking - learn hacking - ethical hacking tutorials
- This hacking tutorial provides a fantastic option of increasing the internet speed, in case if you are in LAN network. Hack the internet speed and absorb most of the internet into your computer.
- Step 1 : Goto Run-> gpedit.msc

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- Step 2. Open Group Policy Editor -> Local Computer Policy-->Computer Configuration-->Administrative Templates-->Network-->QOS Packet Scheduler-->Limit Reservable Bandwidth

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Learn ethical-hacking - ethical-hacking tutorial - increase-bandwidth - ethical-hacking examples - ethical-hacking programs
- Step 3. By default, on double clicking it. It will show Not configures and by default the value is 80%

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- Determines the percentage of connection bandwidth that the system can reserve. This value limits the combined bandwidth reservations of all programs running on the system.
- By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 80 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default.
- If you enable this setting, you can use the "Bandwidth limit" box to adjust the amount of bandwidth the system can reserve.
- If you disable this setting or do not configure it, the system uses the default value of 80 percent of the connection.
Note:If a bandwidth limit is set for a particular network adapter in the registry, this setting is ignored when configuring that network adapter.
- Step 4: Click on Enabled option and select the value as 0 or 100 to get the maximum bandwidth to this computer in your LAN network.
- Your computer internet will be faster when compared to other computers in the LAN network.