Elasticsearch Aggregation - elasticsearch - elasticsearch tutorial - elastic search

Elasticsearch Aggregation

  • The aggregations framework helps provide aggregated data based on a search query.
  • It is based on simple building blocks called aggregations, that can be composed in order to build complex summaries of the data.
  • An aggregation can be seen as a unit-of-work that builds analytic information over a set of documents.
  • The context of the execution defines what this document set is (e.g. a top-level aggregation executes within the context of the executed query/filters of the search request).
  • learn elasticsearch tutorials - aggregation

    learn elasticsearch tutorials - aggregation Example

  • There are many different types of aggregations, each with its own purpose and output. To better understand these types, it is often easier to break them into four main families:

Metrics Aggregations:

  • These aggregations help in computing matrices from the field’s values of the aggregated documents and sometime some values can be generated from scripts.
  • Numeric matrices are either single-valued like average aggregation or multi-valued like stats.
  • learn elasticsearch tutorials - search results aggregation

    learn elasticsearch tutorials - search results aggregation Example

Avg Aggregation:

  • This aggregation is used to get the average of any numeric field present in the aggregated documents. For example,
POST http://localhost:9200/schools/_search

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Request Body:

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   "took":44, "timed_out":false, "_shards":{"total":5, "successful":5, "failed":0},
      "total":3, "max_score":1.0, "hits":[
            "_index":"schools", "_type":"school", "_id":"2", "_score":1.0,
               "name":"Saint Paul School", "description":"ICSE Affiliation",
               "street":"Dawarka", "city":"Delhi", "state":"Delhi", 
               "zip":"110075", "location":[28.5733056, 77.0122136], "fees":5000, 
               "tags":["Good Faculty", "Great Sports"], "rating":"4.5"
            "_index":"schools", "_type":"school", "_id":"1", "_score":1.0,
               "name":"Central School", "description":"CBSE Affiliation",
               "street":"Nagan", "city":"paprola", "state":"HP", "zip":"176115",
               "location":[31.8955385, 76.8380405], "fees":2200, 
               "tags":["Senior Secondary", "beautiful campus"], "rating":"3.3"
            "_index":"schools", "_type":"school", "_id":"3", "_score":1.0,
               "name":"Crescent School", "description":"State Board Affiliation",
               "street":"Tonk Road", "city":"Jaipur", "state":"RJ", 
               "zip":"176114", "location":[26.8535922, 75.7923988], "fees":2500, 
               "tags":["Well equipped labs"], "rating":"4.5"
   }, "aggregations":{"avg_fees":{"value":3233.3333333333335}}
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  • If the value is not present in one or more aggregated documents, it gets ignored by default. You can add a missing field in the aggregation for treating missing value as default.
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Cardinality Aggregation:

  • This aggregation gives the count of distinct values of a particular field. For example,
POST http://localhost:9200/schools*/_search
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Request Body:

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   "name":"Government School", "description":"State Board Afiliation",
   "street":"Hinjewadi", "city":"Pune", "state":"MH", "zip":"411057",
   "location":[18.599752, 73.6821995], "fees":500, "tags":["Great Sports"], 

   "_index":"schools_gov", "_type": "school", "_id":"1", "_score":1.0,
      "name":"Model School", "description":"CBSE Affiliation", "street":"silk city",
      "city":"Hyderabad", "state":"AP", "zip":"500030", 
      "location":[17.3903703, 78.4752129], "fees":700, 
      "tags":["Senior Secondary", "beautiful campus"], "rating":"3"
}, "aggregations":{"disticnt_name_count":{"value":3}}
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  • Note − The value of cardinality is 3 because there are three distinct values in name — Government, School and Model.

Extended Stats Aggregation:

  • This aggregation generates all the statistics about a specific numerical field in aggregated documents. For example,
POST http://localhost:9200/schools/school/_search
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Request Body:

   "aggs" : {
      "fees_stats" : { "extended_stats" : { "field" : "fees" } }
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         "count":3, "min":2200.0, "max":5000.0, 
         "avg":3233.3333333333335, "sum":9700.0,
         "sum_of_squares":3.609E7, "variance":1575555.555555556, 
            "upper":5743.756051168364, "lower":722.9106154983024
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Max Aggregation:

  • This aggregation finds the max value of a specific numeric field in aggregated documents. For example,
POST http://localhost:9200/schools*/_search
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Request Body:

   "aggs" : {
      "max_fees" : { "max" : { "field" : "fees" } }
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Min Aggregation:

  • This aggregation finds the max value of a specific numeric field in aggregated documents. For example,
POST http://localhost:9200/schools*/_search
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Request Body:

   "aggs" : {
      "min_fees" : { "min" : { "field" : "fees" } }
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Sum Aggregation:

  • This aggregation calculates the sum of a specific numeric field in aggregated documents. For example,
POST http://localhost:9200/schools*/_search
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Request Body:

   "aggs" : {
      "total_fees" : { "sum" : { "field" : "fees" } }
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  • There are some other metrics aggregations which are used in special cases like geo bounds aggregation and geo centroid aggregation for the purpose of geo location.

Bucket Aggregations:

  • These aggregations contain many buckets for different types of aggregations having a criterion, which determines whether a document belongs to that bucket or not. The bucket aggregations have been described below −

Children Aggregation:

  • This bucket aggregation makes a collection of documents, which are mapped to parent bucket. A type parameter is used to define the parent index. For example, we have a brand and its different models, and then the model type will have the following _parent field −
   "model" : {
      "_parent" : {
         "type" : "brand"
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  • There are many other special bucket aggregations, which are useful in many other cases, those are −
    • Date Histogram Aggregation
    • Date Range Aggregation
    • Filter Aggregation
    • Filters Aggregation
    • Geo Distance Aggregation
    • GeoHash grid Aggregation
    • Global Aggregation
    • Histogram Aggregation
    • IPv4 Range Aggregation
    • Missing Aggregation
    • Nested Aggregation
    • Range Aggregation
    • Reverse nested Aggregation
    • Sampler Aggregation
    • Significant Terms Aggregation
    • Terms Aggregation

Aggregation Metadata:

  • You can add some data about the aggregation at the time of request by using meta tag and can get that in response. For example,
POST http://localhost:9200/school*/report/_search
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Request Body:

   "aggs" : {
      "min_fees" : { "avg" : { "field" : "fees" } ,
         "meta" :{
            "dsc" :"Lowest Fees"
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   "aggregations":{"min_fees":{"meta":{"dsc":"Lowest Fees"}, "value":2180.0}}
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - elasticsearch - elasticsearch tutorial - elastic - elastic search - elasticsearch docker team

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