Drools Frequently Used Terms - rules engine - drools tutorial - business rules engine

What is Frequently Used Terms in Drools?


  • The heart of the Rules Engine where you specify conditions (if ‘a’ then ‘b’).
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  • Facts are the data on which the rules will act upon. From Java view, Facts are the POJO (Plain Old Java Object).
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  • A Data Session in Drools is the core component to fire the rules. It is the knowledge session that holds all the rules and other properties. A Knowledge Session is created from the Knowledge Base. For the rules engine to work, Facts are inserted into the session and when a condition is met, the subsequent rule gets fired. A Session is of two types:
    • Stateless Knowledge Session
    • Stateful Knowledge Session
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  • It’s a rational concept. The program is the logical place where activations are waiting to be fired.


  • Activations are the then part of the rule. Activations are placed in the agenda where the dsssuitable rule is fired.
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Drools Fusion

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Drools Flow

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Drools Guvnor

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Drools Planner

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drools planner workflow

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