Mongodb Select - MongoDB Tutorial

Mongodb Select

  • In mongoDB the data’s are displayed using the find().
  • Selects documents in a collection and returns a cursor to the selected documents.

Syntax :

db.collection.find(query, projection)  

Parameters Type Description
query document
  • Optional.
    Specifies selection filter using query operators. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter or pass an empty document ({}).
projection document
  • Optional. Specifies the fields to return in the documents that match the query filter.To return all fields in the matching documents, omit this parameter. For details, see Projection.

Sample Query :

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5731e045daa4a0bc932a2ff8"), "name" : "data" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5731e258daa4a0bc932a2ff9"),
                          "websitename" : "", 
                          "details" : "learn mongodb basics and step by step", 
                          "author" : "venkat" 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5731e296daa4a0bc932a2ffa"), 
                         "websitename" : "",
                         "details" : "learn mongodb basics and step by step",
                         "author”: "venkat" 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5731e2eadaa4a0bc932a2ffb"), 
                         "websitename" : "", 
                         "details" : "next row inserted", 
                         "articlecount" : "40", 
                         "author" : "jln" 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5731e56ddaa4a0bc932a2ffc"), 
                             "websitename" : "", 
                             "rowdetails" : "last row updated", 
                             "author" : "arun", 
                             "comments" : [ { 
                                                         "user" : "john", 
                                                          "message" : "article is good", 
                                                         "place" : "new york" 
                                                    } ]



  1. Here in this statement, we display the data’s from the collection “wikitechy4” using the find() rich query.

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