Flask File Uploading
Flask File Upload
- It is the process of transmitting the binary or normal files to the server. The uploaded file is saved to the temporary directory of the server for a while before it is saved to some desired location.
Flask File Config
- It is used to mention the upload folder.
- It is used to mention the maximum size of the file to be uploaded.
To upload a file from the local file system to the server.
Sample code
- In this code, we will provide a file selector(file_upload_form.html) to the user where the user can select a file from the file system and submit it to the server.
- At the server side, the file is fetched using the request.files['file'] object and saved to the location on the server.
Read Also
Flask File Upload
- The user has chosen a file named as logo.jpg. It will be upload to the server.
Flask File Upload to server
- The below snapshot is generated for the URL localhost:5000/success. On successfully uploading the file
Flask File Sucess
- To check the directory where the upload.py is located as given in the below image.
Flask File Directory
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