Survival Analysis In R - r - learn r - r programming

  • Survival analysis deals with predicting the time when a specific event is going to occur. It is also known as failure time analysis or analysis of time to death.
  • For example predicting the number of days a person with cancer will survive or predicting the time when a mechanical system is going to fail.
  • The R package named survival is used to carry out survival analysis.
  • This package contains the function Surv() which takes the input data as a R formula and creates a survival object among the chosen variables for analysis.
  • r programming survival analysis

    r programming survival analysis

  • Then we use the function survfit() to create a plot for the analysis.

Install Package



  • The basic syntax for creating survival analysis in R is −
  • Following is the description of the parameters used −
    • time is the follow up time until the event occurs.
    • event indicates the status of occurrence of the expected event.
    • formula is the relationship between the predictor variables.


  • We will consider the data set named "pbc" present in the survival packages installed above.
  • It describes the survival data points about people affected with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) of the liver.
  • Among the many columns present in the data set we are primarily concerned with the fields "time" and "status".
  • Time represents the number of days between registration of the patient and earlier of the event between the patient receiving a liver transplant or death of the patient.
# Load the library.

# Print first few rows.
  • When we execute the above code, it produces the following result and chart

  id time status trt      age sex ascites hepato spiders edema bili chol
1  1  400      2   1 58.76523   f       1      1       1   1.0 14.5  261
2  2 4500      0   1 56.44627   f       0      1       1   0.0  1.1  302
3  3 1012      2   1 70.07255   m       0      0       0   0.5  1.4  176
4  4 1925      2   1 54.74059   f       0      1       1   0.5  1.8  244
5  5 1504      1   2 38.10541   f       0      1       1   0.0  3.4  279
6  6 2503      2   2 66.25873   f       0      1       0   0.0  0.8  248
  albumin copper alk.phos    ast trig platelet protime stage
1    2.60    156   1718.0 137.95  172      190    12.2     4
2    4.14     54   7394.8 113.52   88      221    10.6     3
3    3.48    210    516.0  96.10   55      151    12.0     4
4    2.54     64   6121.8  60.63   92      183    10.3     4
5    3.53    143    671.0 113.15   72      136    10.9     3
6    3.98     50    944.0  93.00   63       NA    11.0     3
  • From the above data we are considering time and status for our analysis.

Applying Surv() and survfit() Function

  • Now we proceed to apply the Surv() function to the above data set and create a plot that will show the trend.
# Load the library.

# Create the survival object. 
survfit(Surv(pbc$time,pbc$status == 2)~1)

# Give the chart file a name.
png(file = "survival.png")

# Plot the graph. 
plot(survfit(Surv(pbc$time,pbc$status == 2)~1))

# Save the file.
  • When we execute the above code, it produces the following result and chart −
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(pbc$time, pbc$status == 2) ~ 1)

      n  events  median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL 
    418     161    3395    3090    3853 
  • The trend in the above graph helps us predicting the probability of survival at the end of a certain number of days.

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