R Decision Tree - r - learn r - r programming

  • Decision tree is a graph to represent choices and their results in form of a tree.
  • The nodes in the graph represent an event or choice and the edges of the graph represent the decision rules or conditions.
  • decision tree
  • It is mostly used in Machine Learning and Data Mining applications using R.
  • Examples of use of decision tress is − predicting an email as spam or not spam, predicting of a tumor is cancerous or predicting a loan as a good or bad credit risk based on the factors in each of these.
  • Generally, a model is created with observed data also called training data.
  • Then a set of validation data is used to verify and improve the model.
  • R has packages which are used to create and visualize decision trees.
  • For new set of predictor variable, we use this model to arrive at a decision on the category (yes/No, spam/not spam) of the data.
 r decision tree
  • The R package "party" is used to create decision trees.

Install R Package

  • Use the below command in R console to install the package. You also have to install the dependent packages if any.
  • The package "party" has the function ctree() which is used to create and analyze decison tree.


  • The basic syntax for creating a decision tree in R is −
ctree(formula, data)
  • Following is the description of the parameters used −
    • formula is a formula describing the predictor and response variables.
    • data is the name of the data set used.

Input Data

  • We will use the R in-built data set named readingSkills to create a decision tree.
  • It describes the score of someone's readingSkills if we know the variables "age","shoesize","score" and whether the person is a native speaker or not.
  • Here is the sample data.
# Load the party package. It will automatically load other dependent packages.

# Print some records from data set readingSkills.
  • When we execute the above code, it produces the following result and chart −
  nativeSpeaker   age   shoeSize      score
1           yes     5   24.83189   32.29385
2           yes     6   25.95238   36.63105
3            no    11   30.42170   49.60593
4           yes     7   28.66450   40.28456
5           yes    11   31.88207   55.46085
6           yes    10   30.07843   52.83124
Loading required package: methods
Loading required package: grid


  • We will use the ctree() function to create the decision tree and see its graph.
# Load the party package. It will automatically load other dependent packages.

# Create the input data frame.
input.dat <- readingSkills[c(1:105),]

# Give the chart file a name.
png(file = "decision_tree.png")

# Create the tree.
  output.tree <- ctree(
  nativeSpeaker ~ age + shoeSize + score, 
  data = input.dat)

# Plot the tree.

# Save the file.
  • When we execute the above code, it produces the following result −
null device 
Loading required package: methods
Loading required package: grid
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Loading required package: modeltools
Loading required package: stats4
Loading required package: strucchange
Loading required package: zoo

Attaching package: ‘zoo’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    as.Date, as.Date.numeric

Loading required package: sandwich
 r decision tree output


  • From the decision tree shown above we can conclude that anyone whose readingSkills score is less than 38.3 and age is more than 6 is not a native Speaker.

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