Formatting - Time Hour Minute Seconds Millisecond

Wikitechy | 2917 Views | javascript | 05 Jun 2016


  • In javascript the getTime – method is used to return the current time in milliseconds.
  • The getHours – method is used to return the current time in hours (0 to 23).
  • The getMinutes – method is used to return the minutes (0 to 59).
  • The getSeconds – method is used to return the seconds (0 to 59).
  • The getMilliseconds – method is used to return the milliseconds (0 to 999).

Sample Code :

<script type="text/javascript">
    var date_var = new Date();
    var curr_hour = date_var.getHours();
    var curr_min = date_var.getMinutes();
    var curr_sec = date_var.getSeconds();
    var curr_msec = date_var.getMilliseconds();
    document.write("Hour - "+curr_hour + ": Minute - " + curr_min + ": Second - "
        + curr_sec + ": Milliseconds - " + curr_msec);

Code Explanation :

   Here in this statement we create an object for the date method using new operator and the object name as “date_var”. So, the current date will be stored in the variable “date_var”.

    In this statement we get the current hour by using the getHours function with the reference of “date_var” object and the current hour’s value will be stored in the variable “curr_hour”.

   In this statement we get the current hour by using the getMinutes function with the reference of “date_var” object and the current minute’s value will be stored in the variable “curr_min”

   In this statement we get the current hour by using the getSeconds function with the reference of “date_var” object and the current minute’s value will be stored in the variable “curr_sec”.

   In this statement we get the current hour by using the getMilliseconds function with the reference of “date_var” object and the current minute’s value will be stored in the variable “curr_msec”.

  Here in this statement “document.write” function is used for write the current hours,minutes,seconds & milliseconds in the browser window by using the concatenation operator” +”.

Sample Output :

    Here in this output we have shown the display of the current time as “Hour - 13: Minute - 31: Second - 1: Milliseconds - 982” that is 1-hour, 31-minutes,1-seconds and 982-milliseconds as shown.


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